You said:

> 8) Processed in P6, P312 and P321, all of course suggest twinning.

These will all suggest partial twinning, but not necessarily perfect
twinning. I would start to consider twinning a possibility if the
statistics for these lower symmetry space groups suggest a partial twin fraction
of near 0.5 _and_ perfect twinning, or if the stats suggest partial twinning
with a lower twin fraction.  Xtriage gives a nice summary analysis of this. 
You should read the output at the bottom of the xtriage log and go from there.

Your apparent psuedo-translational symmetry will confound some statistical
measures of twinning, so I would pay particular attention to the "l" statistic
developed by Padilla and Yeates and implemented in xtriage (and other packages).


-  Joshua Warren, PhD ([EMAIL PROTECTED])   -
-        212 Nanaline H. Duke               -
-                 DUMC                      -
-        home: (919) 918 7860               -
-        work: (919) 681 5266               -

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