Sorry - this may have been mentioned previously, but have you tried banging in 
some glycerol (5-10%)?


shivesh kumar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:> 
> Dear all
> I welcome all the suggestions regarding my crystals which is coming with
> the
> precipitation.The pI of the protein is 4.2 and the drop precipitates with
> MPD as low as 30% within 4-5 hrs.I am trying the pH ranging from 3.6-5.2
> at
> 16C.There is no precipitation at 20% of MPD.Also,at high conc,the protein
> precipitates.The crystals are coming as florets as I mentioned with
> 2+2.Should I go for higher pH like uptp 8.5 or so.crystals are not
> growing
> bigger in size so that I can mount.Should I try changing the
> temperature.Ican use 4C and
> 16C.Right now I am keeping plates at 16C.I am concentrating the protein
> through lyophilization.As soon I pool it for Gel filtration,majority of
> it
> get precipitated,not soluble protein.Is there any method to make the
> protein
> stable?
> I appreciate all the informative suggestions.Thanx in advance and thanx
> everybody who has suggested the various options.
> Shivesh kumar
Professor James Whisstock
NHMRC Principal Research Fellow / Monash University Senior Logan fellow

Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Monash University, Clayton Campus, PO Box 13d, VIC, 3800, Australia
+613 9905 3747 (Phone)
+613 9905 4699 (Fax)
+61 418 170 585 (Mobile)

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