Mirek Cygler a écrit :
        Here is a question from a Windows illiterate. I would like to run
pdbcur with parameters that are not accessible through the CCP4i interface.
Need to create symmetry-related molecule. I can modify the script file but I
do not know how to execute the program. I guess that I only know how to
click the RUN command in CCP4i.
        Hope you can help.


Dear Mirek,

one way would be to use ccp4i with the "run and show command file" button (pull down when you click "run") and then to edit the command file using the gui before running it.


Wim Burmeister

Wim Burmeister
Professeur, Membre de l'Institut Universitaire de France
Unit of Virus Host Cell Interactions (UVHCI) UMR5233 UJF-EMBL-CNRS
6 rue Jules Horowitz
B.P. 181, F-38042 Grenoble Cedex 9          FRANCE
Tel:    +33 (0) 476 20 72 82       Fax: +33 (0) 476 20 94 00

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