Hi, ccp4 community,

I am solving my protein (300 aa) structure using molecular replacement.
The space group is P622. There is only one molecule in the ASU. The
protein is supported to have three domains. We have solved the domain 1
(120aa) structure; therefore we tried to use it as a model to solve the
new structure. MolRep and Phaser can find the domain 1. We refined the
model and  the R and Rfree factor was around 50%. When we used Coot to
see the model and map, we found that the other two domains are missing.
In the map, there is a big 'hole' and little extra density (with 6-fold)
inside. It is a big surprise to us. Is there any possibility that R is
around 50 if the other two domains are missing?


Any suggests to figure out what happen to my structure? 

Thanks a lot! 


Mousheng Wu

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