CNS format changes with the time of day and unfortunately f2mtz requires that you give a correct fortran format stt.

This command script works from the GUI:
Note that
1) you must the "skip lines"
2) you need X entries to skip unwanted characters . These include INDE (7x) FOBS= (6x) and also the second entry after FOBS which is in this case always 0.000 so the 17X skips that pluse SIGMA=

3) and since TEST= is on a second line you need the / to indicate this.

Kevin Cowtan has a clipper utility which is clever and does not require the format stt - it reads the header and works out what will follow from that. IT is available from here:

He writes:
This is a replacement for cns2mtz, which fixes all the reported bugs in that program, is rather more convenient, and handles other ascii file types as well, including at least SHELX hkl files and XtalView PHS files.

Changes include:
- Spacegroup headers are now generated correctly. (I hope).
- Column names may be speicified for non-CNS files or CNS files with missing headers. - If a file contains F+/- or I+/- without sigmas (e.g. CNS density modified data), then dummy columns of sigmas are added automatically.

Any further problems, please let me know!

title TRIAL 3
symmetry P1
cell 26.65 30.8 33.63 89.3 107.4 112.2
format '(7X,3F5.0,6X,F10.3,18X,F10.3,/,5X,F10.0)'
skipline 5
labout H K L FP SIGFP FreeRflag
ctypout H H H F Q X
PNAME acornmr2
DNAME trial3
XNAME trial3
## This script run with the command   ##########
# f2mtz HKLIN "/y/people/ccp4/" HKLOUT "/tmp/ccp4/acornmr2_412_1_mtz.tmp"

Ryan Watkins wrote:
Hello Colleagues,

I'm trying to convert a cns cv file to a CCP4 mtz file.  I have only
Fobs and SigFs.  Unfortunately, I cannot get f2mtz to work and am
looking for some help.  The program dies either with a "cannot read
first reflection" or with a "child killed: bus error" error.  Here are
the 1st few lines of my file:

NREFlection=    140763
  ANOMalous=FALSe { equiv. to HERMitian=TRUE}
  DECLare NAME=FOBS                   DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=COMP END
  DECLare NAME=SIGMA                 DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=REAL END
  DECLare NAME=TEST                   DOMAin=RECIprocal   TYPE=INTE END
  INDE   -46    0    1 FOBS=    63.800      0.000 SIGMA=    33.060
TEST=         0
  INDE   -46    0    2 FOBS=   168.800     0.000 SIGMA=    19.440
TEST=         0
  INDE   -46    0    3 FOBS=   331.700     0.000 SIGMA=    13.850
TEST=         0
  INDE   -46    1    1 FOBS=   210.000     0.000 SIGMA=    13.400
TEST=         0
  INDE   -46    1    2 FOBS=   297.800     0.000 SIGMA=    11.830
TEST=         0
  INDE   -45    0    1 FOBS=   559.100     0.000 SIGMA=    18.030
TEST=         1
  INDE   -45    0    2 FOBS=   500.400     0.000 SIGMA=    16.800
TEST=         0

Thank you,


Ryan Watkins
Postdoctoral Fellow
Brennan Lab
MD Anderson Cancer Center

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