Hello Mona,
I am guessing you have the atom name,number and coordinates in your file.
I did something like that and Openbabel will convert it to the pdb file
you desire but as far as I know, you will have to assign a residue name to
the atom yourself. I did this by superimposition on the original file and
manually naming the atoms in a text editor.
If all else fails, that is.
> Hello all,
> I have a coordinate file of an energy minimized molecule which was
> apparently done using Chem 3D Pro.  Does anyone know how I can convert
> this to a pdb file?
> Thank you
> Mona Rahman
> --
> Mona N. Rahman, Ph.D.
> Post-doctoral Fellow
> Botterell Hall, Room 634
> Department of Biochemistry
> Queen's University
> Kingston, ON, K7L 3N6
> Tel:  613-533-6392

Arti S. Pandey
Graduate Student
Chemistry and Biochemistry
Montana State University
Bozeman,MT 59717

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