Dear Kumar,
One often has to try duplexes with many different ends before getting decent crystals (e.g. 18 for one project in my lab, even more for others). Depending on your Kd, you might find that your complex falls apart during gel filtration. How long are your oligos? Gel purification sometimes helps us and sometimes doesn't, but longer ones (> 20-30nt) are more likely to benefit from it. Did you check the concentrations yourself before annealing? (my students get better results when they do). Can your oligos hairpin? If you have a dimer that binds a symmetric DNA site, having individual monomers bound to hairpinned oligos would certainly make a mess of your xtals. If you think you have an excess of one single strand, you could try annealing small amounts at several different ratios, and check how much is really duplex on a native agarose or acrylamide gel. Have you checked your prep for nuclease contamination? Just incubate some with a supercoiled plasmid and ~10mM Mg++ for a couple hours and see if the plasmid stays supercoiled. This is a beautifully sensitive assay because cleaving only 1 bond out of thousands will change the plasmid's mobility - but bear in mind it will only reveal endonucleases, not exonucleases. Finally, its always a good idea to pull up a pile of old papers and skim their methods sections for inspiration.
        Good luck!
        Phoebe Rice

At 11:01 AM 7/16/2007, you wrote:
I am trying to crystallize a protein-DNA complex. I purify the protein finally
using gel filtration. I purchase
single stranded complementary oligos (desalting from, mix them up
and make DNA duplex by
heating to 95 degree C and cooling to room temperature. I mix protein and DNA,
concentrate and use it
for crystallization.
I am geting small crystals consistently under a specific condition. These
crystals take up IZIT dye but are
not well shaped. I am not able to improve the size and shape of the crystals
substantially even after
screening with additives (Hampton research).
I suspect that purity of the duplex DNA (presence of unpaired oligos) is
limiting the chances of obtaining
better crystals.

How can I purify the duplex DNA further?

Are there better ways of making protein-DNA complex for crystallization?

If I make the protein ­DNA complex and then do the gelfiltration, will the
complex purified so be a better
choice for crystallization?

Thank you

Dept. of Biochemistry, Cellular and Molecular Biology,
Walters Life Science, # 406,
University of Tennessee, TN, Knoxville, USA

Phoebe A. Rice
Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
The University of Chicago
phone 773 834 1723
fax 773 702 0439

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