You can use f2mtz with the format identifier to convert the file:
8< snip---------> script start <--------------
f2mtz hklin yourshelxfile.hkl hklout yourmtzfile.mtz << eof
cell    "you cell dimensions"
symm "your space group"
format '(3F4.0,2F8.2,F4.0)'
ctypout H H H J Q R
LABOUT H K L Intensity stddevIntensity freeR
--------------->script end <-----------snap >8

The important bits are the format line and the ctypout line, and you have to 
add your cell and symmetry.

That can probably even be done through the gui, but a script is simpler (to 
me, anyway).

Hope this helps, Tim

On Wednesday 11 July 2007 09:29, Leonard Thomas wrote:
> I have a Shelx HKLF4 formated reflection file that I would like to
> convert to a mtz file.  The primary reason is to transfer the freeR
> set.  I found a couple of convoluted ways of converting the
> reflection data, but no real way of getting the freeR set to transfer.
> Any suggestions?
> Cheers
> Leonard M. Thomas Ph.D.
> Director, Macromolecular Crystallography Laboratory
> Howard Hughes Medical Institute
> California Institute of Technology
> Division of Biology
> 1200 E. California Blvd.  MC 114-96
> Pasadena, CA 91125
> 626-395-2453

Tim Grune
Australian Synchrotron
800 Blackburn Road
Clayton, VIC 3168

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