-----BEGIN PGP SIGNED MESSAGE----- Hash: SHA1 Hello Fred;
You might be interested in looking at http://xtal.nki.nl/Depot , and more precisely at http://xtal.nki.nl/cgi-bin/WebObjects/Depot.woa/wa/ tools#qualifiers
You'll see that indeed you can query the DB upon specific criteria (named solventContentFinal)...
If this looks like it can provide you with what you need, contact me directly if you need any help.
Cordially; Serge. Le 9 juil. 07 à 15:53, Fred. Vellieux a écrit :
Dear CCP4BB subscribers, I am looking for some data to run some tests of methods. I am interested in the treatment of solvent regions, first during structure solution by experimental methods (MIRAS, MIR, MAD, SIRAS etc). For these tests, I need to access experimental data (Fobs, experimental phases before any density modification, figures of merit) for structures that contain lots of solvent. By lots I mean higher than ca. 70% solvent: the tests I intend to run must be conclusive that the method indeed works. I also need to be told how much solvent there is in the structure. The structure must be solved (so that there are Fcalcs and Phicalcs corresponding to the "TRUTH"). Any help would be appreciated. If there is any publication resulting from these tests, then contributors will be rewarded by having a citation and being thanked in the acknowledgements section. I cannot guarantee at this stage that there will be a publication however! Thank you all in advance, Fred.
******************************************************************* Dr. Serge COHEN GPG Key ID: 9CBB58FB N.K.I. Department of Molecular Carcinogenesis Plesmanlaan 121 1066 CX Amsterdam; NL E-Mail: [EMAIL PROTECTED] Tel : +31 20 512 2053 ******************************************************************* -----BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE----- Version: GnuPG v1.4.3 (Darwin) iD8DBQFGkjGr5EPeG5y7WPsRAlwlAJ9UjeJLSv2hdO50IO21Qhp3ozdqaQCfZrAe 9ovWSgfecn9NHcHiGHh/frE= =Nb5Y -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----