On Tuesday 26 June 2007 10:43, Sue Roberts wrote:
> Hello Everyone
> This  isn't really a question, just a warning to check your  
> anisotropic temperature factors both after refinement and after  
> deposition at the pdb.

I encourage everyone who is refining, depositing, or inspecting 
structures with anisotropic ADPs to validate them using the 
Parvati web server:


(If it mis-handles these apparently totally messed-up files that
Sue refers to, please let me know)


> We've been having a lot of trouble with anisotropic temperature  
> factors lately.  Here's what's been going on.
> We have three different proteins, each diffracting better than 1.2 A  
> - the best resolution is ~ 0.8 A.  All have been refined with refmac  
> (yes I know shelxl is great for such problems, but that's not the  
> issue  here).
> For structures refined with some versions of refmac (including the  
> ccp4-6.0.2 linux distribution from early this year), the anisotropic  
> components output on the ANISOU card are ridiculous.  When we run  
> anisoanl, ALL atoms are flagged as non-positive definite.  When I ask  
> coot to show anisotropic ellipsoids, they have only two dimensions  
> (coot doesn't crash, Paul has the negative numbers trapped).   
> Refinement of the same data set/coordinates with shelxl produces  
> anisotropic temperature factors which are reasonable as judged by  
> these two methods.  I can "fix" the refmac "problem" by installing  
> the latest version of refmac from Garib's web page (not the version  
> in ccp4-6.0.2).   The anisotropic ellipsoids are now good (as judged  
> by anisoanl and coot).   (Repeating myself, these are all very high  
> resolution structures).
> So, I thought the problem was solved.
> We reviewed structures we'd deposited with the pdb but were as yet  
> unreleased and found one with unrealistic thermal ellipsoids, which  
> confused us since the depositor had done the sanity checks before  
> depositing the coordinates.
> When we compared the file we submitted to the pdb and the file which  
> was returned to us, the numbers on ALL the ANISOU cards had been  
> rotated in this fashion:
> ANISOU    1  N   MET A   1     1612   1818   1492      2   -160     
> -14  A    N
> has become
> ANISOU    1  N   MET A   1     1612      2    -14   1818   1492    
> -160       N
> In other words the aniso card, (u11,u22,u33,u12,u13,u23)
> has been rearranged to be (u11,u12,u23,u22,u33,u13)  (this doesn't  
> make any sense to me)
> I can speculate that the refmac/pdb issues are interlinked and one  
> arises from an attempt to fix the other, but I don't know that that's  
> true.  I did a quick check of structures released by the pdb in the  
> last year with resolution > 1.1 A and found at least one with the  
> same problems (I stopped looking after I'd found one).
> Sue
> Sue Roberts
> Biochemistry & Biopphysics
> University of Arizona

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