Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to announce a new mini-beam capability at the two
GM/CA-CAT undulator beamlines in Sector 23 of the APS. We have
implemented an apparatus to produce a strong, stable X-ray mini-beam.

The apparatus is rapidly interchangeable with our standard beam. The
flux and stability of the mini-beam have allowed successful data
collection from macromolecule crystals of 5-10 micron size. We have
tested the apparatus on several challenging projects with excellent
results. Properties of the mini-beam are listed below.

Size: user choice of 5 microns or 10 microns

Flux: 1-2x10^13 photons/sec

Flux stability: < 1% RMS over one minute; < 3% drift over 12 hours

Beam time applications for the 5-10 micron mini-beam on GM/CA beamlines
23-ID-B and 23-ID-D can be made through the APS proposal system at


or by contacting Sheila Trznadel at [EMAIL PROTECTED] or


GM/CA-CAT staff


Ruslan Sanishvili (Nukri), Ph.D. 

GM/CA-CAT, Bld. 436, D007 
Biosciences Division, ANL 
9700 S. Cass Ave. 
Argonne, IL 60439 

Tel: (630)252-0665 
Fax: (630)252-0667 


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