These are B factors RELATIVE to your TLS parameters.
You need to run tlsanl to get back to something comparable to the individual B factors..

Hi all,
I'm working on the structure of a heterodimer phased by molecular replacement 
using data to 2.9 angstroms. After MR I performed a rigid body refinement in 
CNS, if I then refine using mlf in CNS I get B-factors ranging from  ~37-119 
and r= 0.26 free_r= 0.35 whereas if I perform a TLS restrained refinement in 
refmac (with each monomer of the heterodimer as a TLS group or with one of the 
monomers divided into two TLS groups based on tlsmd) I get B-factors ranging 
from ~2-48 and r= 0.22 free_r= 0.28. Based on the R values it certainly seems 
like the TLS refinement is better, but the B-factors from the TLS refinement 
seem artificially low and the ones from CNS seem too high. The maps from the 
TLS refinement also look much better with less breaks in the density and less 
difference density. I'm wondering if this is typical and what I should do to 
diagnose/fix the problem.

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