Two things I think
1) I is a metal so you need to move the atom name 1 space to the left - more like this: ATOM 2838 O HOH W 102 6.018 39.720 31.127 1.00 21.43 O ATOM 2839 I I B 1 19.956 22.770 18.597 1.00 30.00 I

And the monomer library calls this IOD so I guess you need

ATOM 2838 O HOH W 102 6.018 39.720 31.127 1.00 21.43 O ATOM 2839 I IOD B 1 19.956 22.770 18.597 1.00 30.00 I



            Dear All,

            I am having trouble with refmac dictionaries when refining
            a structure that contains an iodine ion.
            the PDB entry should be correct and according to the
            convention (water added for comparison):
ATOM 2838 O HOH W 102 6.018 39.720 31.127 1.00 21.43 O ATOM 2839 I I B 1 19.956 22.770 18.597 1.00 30.00 I

            refmac hovever comes up with the following error:
              Number of chains   :       3
              I am reading library. Please wait.
             Open failed: Unit:   7, File:

            * Refmac_5.2.0019:   Open failed: File:
/xray/CCP4-6.0.1/ccp4-6.0.1/lib/data/monomers/i/IR.cif *

            *Times: User:       1.4s System:    0.0s Elapsed:     0:01 *

            I figured that it tries to read the wrong dictionary
            (although the correct one ( I.cif) is present in the same
            directory). Explicitly supplying I.cif with a LIB_IN card
            does not help

            thanks for your help


            PS:probably this has been on the bb in the past, but I
            could not dig it out

                   Dr. Alexander Pautsch
                   Protein Crystallography /Structural Research
                   Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG Deutschland
                   Birkendorferstrasse 65
                   88400 BIBERACH, Germany
                   tel. +49 - (0)7351 - 54 4683
                   fax. +49 - (0)7351 - 83 4683
                   email [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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