We are pleased to announce the release of the Clipper2 module as part of the CCP4 6.0.2 public release. The Clipper2 module includes Pirate v0.4.9, Buccaneer 0.7.1, and the Clipper 2.0 software library including the Clipper Utilities. This software is kindly provided by Kevin Cowtan.
The Clipper2 module is available through the automated Downloads page, http://www.ccp4.ac.uk/download/downloadman.php and from the Daresbury ftp server. The module can be taken as a module of a fresh CCP4 6.0.2 installation, or it can be added to an existing 6.0.2 installation. In particular, the automated script install.sh will check for an existing CCP4 installation, and give you the option of installing Clipper2 there. On windows platform you are normally provided with an Update.exe file that should apply the update and known fixes. The separate release of the Clipper2 module is part of a general move towards a more modular system for the CCP4 suite. As a separate development, the Downloads page now includes an InstallShield ("Windows-like") installer for Linux, containing the same packages as the download pages (in particular it contains clipper2 within its ccp4 package).