X-ray Laboratory Manager & Research Assistant
We are seeking an experienced person to manage our protein X-ray
crystallography laboratory and to provide research assistance to the
Academic staff using the laboratory.
The successful candidate will train staff in the use of x-ray
crystallographic equipment and software, and collaborate with academic
staff users on research projects that use the equipment. The laboratory
has Rigaku generators and Mar image plates, it also has crystallisation
robots. The laboratory manager of this protein crystallography facility
also co-ordinates applications for synchrotron time for X-ray data
collection and helps users of these national facilities. At least three
years previous experience in protein crystallography is essential.
Applicants should have a PhD, or equivalent experience.
Salary will be £30,075 rising to £34,450 per annum. Initial salary award
will be dependent on skills and experience.
Download the job description and application form by visiting
http://www.bbk.ac.uk/hr/vacancies or email [EMAIL PROTECTED] for
an application pack.
Closing date for completed applications is midday 20th June 2007
Birkbeck is an equal opportunities employer.
Dr Nicholas H. Keep
Reader in Structural Biology
School of Crystallography,
Birkbeck, University of London,
Malet Street,
Telephone 020-7631-6852 (Room G57 Office)
020-7631-6868 (Rosalind Franklin Laboratory)
020-7631-6800 (Department Office)
Fax 020-7631-6803
If you want to access me in person you have to come to the
crystallography entrance
and ring me or the department office from the internal phone by the door