On Friday 04 May 2007 01:10 am, Ingo P. Korndoerfer wrote:
> but i think i would be willing to put up with having to add another 10
> lines to my <add your favourite shell here> scripts to process mmcif, if
> that allows me to take home all the other advantages.
> the biggest problem at this point is, as far as i know (and this is also
> what the above website states), that my favourite refinement program
> does not really work with anything but pdb, so i am not really sure
> whether it is the users who are reluctant to use mmcif (as above website
> states) ...
> wouldn't it be nice to try and teach our favourite refinement programs
> mmcif ?

Yes it would.  With this in mind, I'd like to donate the mmCIF parsing code
that I had written to integrate mmCIF parsing into XtalView into the general
community.  The code is written in C and can be downloaded at:


The core library is program agnostic and operates like a lot of XML
parsers to build a document object model (DOM) using a finite state
machine.  Glue code (like the XtalView examples) can then browse 
the DOM for the appropriate mmCIF datablocks/entries/lists and extract 
the values into the appropriate structures for the program of interest.


Christopher Putnam, Ph.D.
Ludwig Institute For Cancer Research
Cellular and Molecular Medicine East, Room 3019
9500 Gilman Drive
La Jolla, CA 92093-0660 USA

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