Thank you for the replies. coot 0.3.1 gave me the option of mutating
a pdb file to a semi_polyala (via mutate residue range, no map
required) but the rotamers were changed for the conserved residues.
Chainsaw worked beautifully, however, using the wildtype A.pdb and a
hand-crafted sequence alignment file in pir format as inputs.
with kind regards,
Quoting "Winn, MD (Martyn)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
If I understand you correctly, the CCP4 program Chainsaw would do
It uses an alignment file, which you could hand-craft to select
mutate or conserve.
Keyword "MODE MIXA" to select the truncate-to-beta option.
-----Original Message-----
From: CCP4 bulletin board on behalf of [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Sun 4/29/2007 3:41 AM
Subject: [ccp4bb] search-and-replace
Hello everyone,
I have two pdb files for molecule A (A.pdb and A_polyala.pdb) from
which I would like to make a hybrid file A_semi.pdb. A_semi.pdb will
have some residues with full sidechains (so derived from A.pdb) and
some residues with only a C-beta atom for a sidechain (so derived from
A_polyala.pdb). The residues I would like mutated are listed in file
B.txt (in total about 250 residues to be mutated). I could do this by
hand but I figure there must be a fater way to do it. Does anyone
have any suggestions on how I might be able to do this? Is there some
unix search-and-replace command line I could use to replace all lines
of text in A.pdb containing ### (spaced appropriately) with those
lines of text in A_polyala.pdb containing the same ###, and then have
it repeat this for all ~250 residues listed in the file B.txt?
Many thanks in advance,
Shekeb Khan
Ph.D. Candidate
Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Toronto
Toronto Medical Discoveries Tower (TMDT), MaRS Centre
101 College Street, Room 5-359
Toronto, Ontario, Canada
M5G 1L7
Tel: +1-416-581-7548