James Holton wrote:
I generally cut off integration at the shell wheree I/sigI < 0.5 and then cut off merged data where MnI/sd(I) ~ 1.5. It is always easier to to cut off data later than to re-integrate it. I never look at the Rmerge, Rsym, Rpim or Rwhatever in the highest resolution shell. This is because R-statistics are inappropriate for weak data.
I wonder how many peopled decide their max resolution cut-off (either during processing or by setting the detector too far away) by eyeballing a few images. I wouldn't be surprised if the number is substantial. Has anyone looked at the actual resolution of a data set after processing and the first-guess resolution reported by people just looking at the first few images. With the generally positive trend to increase redundancy at the cost of pushing the exposure per image, the resolution visible to the human eye may be an even poorer estimate of true resolution.