Carlos Nihelton has proposed merging ~cnihelton/ubuntu-manual-tests:wsl-new-tcs 
into ubuntu-manual-tests:main.

Commit message:
Add an entire new test case for WSL

The test starts with double-clicking the image in the Windows Explorer,
 a new behaviour added in WSL 2.4, that only works with tar-based images.

Ubuntu ones are published in

The assertions are pretty similar, if not equal, to the previously
existing test case.

Requested reviews:
  Utkarsh Gupta (utkarsh)

For more details, see:
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is subscribed to branch 
diff --git a/testcases/image/1837_WSL_Double Click b/testcases/image/1837_WSL_Double Click
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..94a8d3d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/testcases/image/1837_WSL_Double Click
@@ -0,0 +1,195 @@
+This case tests the implicit provisioning (double-click install) of a tar-based WSL image.</p>
+It requires a working Microsoft Windows 11 or higher installation with WSL version 2.4.10 or later. Installing Windows and enabling WSL 2 is outside of the scope of this  test case.
+Since the release of Ubuntu LTS 24.04.2 Noble Numbat, tar-based images are found at <a href="";></a>
+and their file extension is ".wsl" instead of ".tar.gz".
+For example for latest noble image:  <a href="";></a>
+Make sure to download the image matching the correct release under test from the download link associated to this test case.
+Those images have cloud-init seeded. To make sure your environment doesn't contain any files that could
+cause cloud-init to change the expected results of this test cases, remove the following directories on the
+host (Windows) filesystem (if they exist):
+	<li>%USERPROFILE%\.cloud-init</li>
+	<li>%USERPROFILE%\.ubuntupro\cloud-init</li>
+After downloading the image, navigate to it on Windows explorer:
+	<dt>Double-click the image to start the installation</dt>
+		<dd>A new terminal window will pop-up showing the registration progress. In the end it will
+		give instructions to start a new shell into the new instance. Take note of that command. For
+		example (for noble):
+> wsl.exe -d Ubuntu-24.04
+		</dd>
+		<dd>Verify that the new instance has been registered by running the following command:
+> wsl.exe --list --all --verbose
+NAME             STATE           VERSION
+*Ubuntu          Running         2
+Ubuntu-24.04     Stopped         2
+Ubuntu-20.04     Stopped         2
+TestUbuntuWSL    Stopped         2
+		</dd>
+		<dd>Check the the name used in previous command appears in the list.</dd>
+	<dt>Launch the new instance. The provisioning (OOBE) command will run and eventually will prompt for
+		the new user creation. The input line should be prefilled with a user name derived from the
+		current Windows user name.</dt>
+		<dd>In the example below the Windows user name is ubuntu
+> wsl -d Ubuntu-24.04
+Provisioning the new WSL instance Ubuntu-24.04
+This might take a while...
+Create a default Unix user account: ubuntu
+	<dd>Hit enter and proceed with the default user creation. Once done you should be running bash inside
+	the distro instance
+Provisioning the new WSL instance Ubuntu-24.04
+This might take a while...
+Create a default Unix user account: ubuntu
+New password:
+Retype new password:
+passwd: password updated successfully
+To run a command as administrator (user "root"), use "sudo <command>".
+See "man sudo_root" for details.
+Welcome to Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS (GNU/Linux x86_64)
+ * Documentation:
+ * Management:
+ * Support:
+ System information as of Tue Feb 11 11:43:37 -03 2025
+  System load:  0.17                Processes:             31
+  Usage of /:   0.1% of 1006.85GB   Users logged in:       0
+  Memory usage: 6%                  IPv4 address for eth0:
+  Swap usage:   15%
+This message is shown once a day. To disable it please create the
+/home/ubuntu/.hushlogin file.
+		<dd>Verify that	you're running the right distribution (point) release. For example run:
+$ lsb_release -a
+No LSB modules are available.
+Distributor ID: Ubuntu
+Description:    Ubuntu 24.04.2 LTS
+Release:        24.04
+Codename:       noble
+</pre> </dd>
+	<dt>Check systemd status</dt>
+		<dd>Tar-based images have systemd enabled by default, so make sure it's running and that there are no failed units:
+$ systemctl is-system-running
+$ systemctl --failed
+  0 loaded units listed.
+	<dt>The default user</dt>
+		<dd>You should be logged in with the user that you just created
+$ whoami
+		<dd>Run a command as root with sudo, for instance
+<pre>$ sudo apt update</pre></dd>
+		<dd>Verify that the command ends successfully</dd>
+		<dd>Apply any update
+<pre>$ sudo apt full-upgrade</pre></dd>
+		<dd>Verify that the command ends successfully and that any packge that must be upgraded has been upgraded</dd>
+		<dd>Install a package
+<pre>$ sudo apt install hello</pre></dd>
+		<dd>Verify that the package has been successfully installed and the application can run
+$ hello
+Hello, world!
+	<dt>Install and run graphical applications
+$ sudo apt install x11-apps gtk-4-examples libgles2
+	</dt>
+		<dd>Start one of the graphical application from the x11-apps package, like xcalc for example:
+$ xcalc
+(Wait a moment until the application starts and is displayed)
+		<dd>Start the GTK demo application with the default backend:
+$ gtk4-demo
+(Wait a moment until the application starts and is displayed)
+		<dd>Start the GTK demo application with the Wayland backend:
+$ GDK_BACKEND=wayland gtk4-demo
+(Wait a moment until the application starts and is displayed)
+		It's possible that it fails due <a href="";>this
+			WSL bug</a>. To confirm that try again with a different XDG_RUNTIME_DIR as below:
+$ GDK_BACKEND=wayland XDG_RUNTIME_DIR=/mnt/wslg/runtime-dir gtk4-demo
+(Wait a moment until the application starts and is displayed)
+		</dd>
+	<dt>Check that Windows interoperability is still working
+		<dd> Launch a Windows application
+> notepad.exe # It should open.
+		</dd>
+		<dd> List the contents of the C:\Windows
+> ls -l /mnt/c/Windows
+dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root     512 Feb 11 08:58  AppReadiness
+dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root     512 Apr  1  2024  Boot
+dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root     512 Apr  1  2024  Branding
+dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root     512 Oct  7 14:37  BrowserCore
+dr-xr-xr-x 1 root root     512 Jun  4  2024  CSCmnt
+		</dd>
+	<dt>Exit WSL
+		<dd>Check that your back to the PowerShell prompt</dd>
+	<dt>Unregister the distro instance
+> wsl.exe --unregister Ubuntu-24.04
+		<dd>The isntance no longer listed
+> wsl --list
+Windows Subsystem for Linux Distributions:
+Ubuntu (Default)
+<strong>If all actions produce the expected results listed, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'passed' result.
+    If an action fails, or produces an unexpected result, please <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> a 'failed' result and <a href="../../buginstructions">file a bug</a>. Please be sure to include the bug number when you <a href="results#add_result">submit</a> your result.</strong>
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