Skia has proposed merging ~hyask/autopkgtest-cloud:skia/docs_archi_diagram into 

Requested reviews:
  Canonical's Ubuntu QA (canonical-ubuntu-qa)

For more details, see:
Your team Canonical's Ubuntu QA is requested to review the proposed merge of 
~hyask/autopkgtest-cloud:skia/docs_archi_diagram into autopkgtest-cloud:master.
diff --git a/docs/architecture.rst b/docs/architecture.rst
index 4a31322..2f4c446 100644
--- a/docs/architecture.rst
+++ b/docs/architecture.rst
@@ -11,18 +11,22 @@ Overview
         subgraph cluster_autopkgtestcloud {
             subgraph cluster_prodstack {
                 node [shape=Mrecord]
-                web [label="{autopkgtest-web web UI|results browser for developers|shows which tests are running|receives requests to run tests from developers or GitHub PRs|can be scaled out}"]
+                web [label="{autopkgtest-web web UI|* results browser for developers\n* shows which tests are running\n* receives requests to run tests from developers or GitHub PRs\n* can be scaled out}"]
                 rabbitmq [label="{RabbitMQ AMQP server|debci-focal-amd64|...}"]
-                cloudworker [label="{cloud worker|call autopkgtest with ssh+nova (openstack) runner}"]
-                lxdworker [label="{cloud worker (lxd)|call autopkgtest with lxd runner}"]
+                cloudworker [label="{autopkgtest-cloud-worker|call autopkgtest with ssh+nova (openstack) runner}"]
+                lxdworker [label="{autopkgtest-cloud-worker (lxd)|call autopkgtest with lxd runner}"]
                 swift [label="{OpenStack Swift object store (test results)|autopkgtest-focal|...}"]
-                haproxyweb [label="{ haproxy|provides SSL termination|}";]
-                haproxylxd [label="{haproxy-armhf-lxd|mediates access to lxd cluster to avoid SPOF}"]
+                swiftprivate [label="{OpenStack Swift object store|private PPA test results, embargoed CVEs}"]
+                haproxyweb [label="{HAproxy|* provides SSL termination\n*}";]
+                runner [label="{OpenStack Instances|dynamically allocated test runners|amd64, arm64, i386, ppc64el, s390x}"]
+                "cloudworker" -> "runner"
                 "rabbitmq" -> "cloudworker"
                 "rabbitmq" -> "lxdworker"
                 "cloudworker" -> "swift"
+                "cloudworker" -> "swiftprivate"
                 "lxdworker" -> "swift"
+                "lxdworker" -> "swiftprivate"
                 "swift" -> "web" [label="download new results into database"]
                 "web" -> "swift" [label="link to logs and artifacts" style="dotted"]
                 "haproxyweb" -> "web" [label="one proxy, many backends"]
@@ -32,10 +36,8 @@ Overview
             subgraph cluster_scalingstack {
                 node [shape=Mrecord]
-                runner [label="{dynamically allocated test runners|amd64, arm64, i386, ppc64el, s390x|openstack instances}"]
-                static [label="{statically provisioned lxd runners|arm64 host|armhf tests|many of these|running lxd in an lxd cluster}"]
+                static [label="{statically provisioned lxd runners|arm64 host|armhf tests|all of these running lxd in an lxd cluster}"]
-                "cloudworker" -> "runner"
                 "lxdworker" -> "static"
                 label="'scalingstack' workload OpenStack cloud"
@@ -46,9 +48,19 @@ Overview
         subgraph cluster_external {
             node [shape=Mrecord]
             archive [label="{Ubuntu developers|packages in -proposed}"]
-            britney [label="{britney|gates pkgs from devel-proposed to release pocket|completed builds|installability|autopkgtests|generates update_excuses.html/update_output.txt}"]
+            britney [label="{britney|* gates pkgs from -proposed to release pocket\n* completed builds\n* installability\n* autopkgtests\n* generates update_excuses.html/update_output.txt}"]
             "archive" -> "britney" [label="Ubuntu developers upload packages"]
             "britney" -> "rabbitmq" [label="send AMQP requests for tests"]
+            archivesecure [label="{Ubuntu security team|packages in ???}"]
+            britneysecure [label="{britney-secure}"]
+            "archivesecure" -> "britneysecure" [label="Ubuntu security team upload packages"]
+            "britneysecure" -> "rabbitmq" [label="send AMQP requests for tests"]
+            thirdinput [label="{??? Third input}"]
+            "thirdinput" -> "rabbitmq" [label="send AMQP requests for tests"]
             label="external inputs"
@@ -56,6 +68,7 @@ Overview
 The basic architecture is that a client (e.g. proposed-migration) submits
 test requests to an AMQP instance. Cloud workers then receive these messages
 from AMQP and dispatch the tests to workers to be run. They upload the
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