Hello, we're migrating our project into ASF currently. Previously in our CI we used internal proxies for Docker Hub and Maven Central to prevent hitting rate limits for the two.
Is there any cache proxy available for any of those, that would be usable in our jobs. Or is the problem dealt with differently? I've noticed the ASF apache account on Docker Hub in ASF docs [1], but I am not entirely sure this would mitigate the rate limit issue and not deplete the limits for others too. Similarly I noticed Nexus instance [2], but while browsing I didn't find any proxy for the Maven Central there, so it leads me to the conclusion that it serves different purposes (snapshots and releases). Any pointers are much appreciated. Regards Jan [1] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/Build+and+Supported+Services+at+the+ASF#BuildandSupportedServicesattheASF-Dockerhub [2] https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/Build+and+Supported+Services+at+the+ASF#BuildandSupportedServicesattheASF-Nexus