On Fri, Dec 9, 2022 at 9:05 AM Slawomir Jaranowski <s.jaranow...@gmail.com>

> There is no discussion on dev@maven, private@maven ... for a simple reason
> - nobody from the Maven team knows that you want to introduce such
> features.

Olivier said the Maven PMC didn't want this. He can't take their name like

Please start a topic about it on Maven list with a description of what you
> want to introduce, why, what will be to do before change.
> Some of us were surprised due to the failed build.

We were just as surprised. It should have made no difference. Clearly: it

We make changes to the Jenkins environment all the time, to keep it
operational, on the latest software, to provide enough CPU and disk space
for builds, add requested plugins, and more. We do not advise projects
before we make changes because we expect no problems to arise. This fell
into that same kind of "routine change", or so we thought. We backed it
out, and will see if a fix is possible without any need for changes in
projects' build processes.

Our goal is "no change in build processes", and/or "small changes for more
build features (eg. analysis)".

We'll reach out when we know more.

InfraAdmin, ASF

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