currently it's not possible with Jenkins. But maybe when we will have some temporary nodes running in a k8s cluster such restriction will be not needed anymore. A solution is to have a committer pushing the pr as a branch and so this will be build. just use the gh tool, gh pr checkout $PRID. then after checking the diff just push the branch to the origin repo.
On Fri, 11 Nov 2022 at 05:31, Richard Zowalla <> wrote: > > Hi all. > > We have a Jenkins pull request job in TomEE. We noticed, that this job > only builds PRs, which originate from the ASF repo (and not from (user) > forks). > > I guess, that this is intended due to some security concerns? Is there > a possibility to run such pull request builds for forks after some sort > of manual approval? > > I think of something like "Jenkins, test this please" (from a committer > / pmc) and a job is triggered? > > I assume, that other projects might have the same problems or already a > solutions for that kind of problem? > > Any hint / pointer is appreciated. > > Thanks & Gruß > Richard