Mark, were you able to figure this out, or do we need to look into it further?

Chris Lambertus
ASF Infrastructure

> On Oct 12, 2022, at 12:55 AM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:
> I figured out what the problem is. The changes in the repo aren't being 
> pulled to the buildmaster.
> Next step is to figure out why that is.
> Mark
> On 03/10/2022 22:37, Mark Thomas wrote:
>> Hi,
>> This still isn't working for the Tomcat builds.
>> I've looked at this a couple of times but I can't figure out what I have 
>> done wrong. Any further hints/pointers welcome.
>> Mark
>> On 30/08/2022 16:34, Mark Thomas wrote:
>>> Thanks Chris. I'll take a look at that and report back.
>>> Mark
>>> On 30/08/2022 16:28, Chris Lambertus wrote:
>>>>> On Aug 30, 2022, at 8:19 AM, Mark Thomas <> wrote:
>>>>> Hi,
>>>>> The Tomcat project migrated to ci2 a while ago. Since the migration, the 
>>>>> Tomcat dev list no longer receives notifications of either failed or 
>>>>> fixed builds.
>>>>> I have checked the buildbot configuration and I can't see anything 
>>>>> obviously wrong.
>>>>> Any hints as to what we need to do to get notifications flowing again?
>>>> The way mail notifications are managed seems to have changed a bit in the 
>>>> newer versions of buildbot. Take a look at for an example of a 
>>>> working config I put together for INFRA-22689. The relevant code:
>>>> # mail status-----
>>>>      template=u'''\
>>>> Build status: {{ summary }}
>>>> Worker used: {{ workername }}
>>>> URL: {{ build_url }}
>>>> Blamelist: {{ blamelist | join(', ') }}
>>>> Build Text: {{ build['state_string'] }}
>>>> Status Detected: {{ status_detected }}
>>>> {{ sourcestamps }}
>>>> Steps:
>>>> {% for step in build['steps'] %}
>>>>    {{ step['name'] }}: {{ step['results'] }}
>>>> {% endfor %}
>>>> -- ASF Buildbot
>>>> '''
>>>>      ofbizGenerator = reporters.BuildStatusGenerator(
>>>>          mode=('all'),
>>>>          tags=[
>>>>            "ofbizTrunkFrameworkPlugins",
>>>>            "ofbizTrunkFramework",
>>>>            "ofbizBranch18Framework",
>>>>            "ofbizBranch18FrameworkPlugins",
>>>>            "ofbizBranch22Framework",
>>>>            "ofbizBranch22FrameworkPlugins",
>>>>            "ofbizTrunkFrameworkRat",
>>>>            "ofbizNextFrameworkRat",
>>>>            "ofbizStableFrameworkRat",
>>>>          ],
>>>>          message_formatter=reporters.MessageFormatter(
>>>>            template=template,
>>>>            template_type='plain',
>>>>            want_properties=True,
>>>>            want_steps=True,
>>>>          ),
>>>>      )
>>>>      ofbizNotifier = reporters.MailNotifier(
>>>>        fromaddr="",
>>>>        extraRecipients=[""],
>>>>        sendToInterestedUsers=False,
>>>>        generators=[ofbizGenerator],
>>>>      )
>>>>      bb.add_service(ofbizNotifier)
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> Mark

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