We're going to be doing this outage here in the next 5-10 minutes. Wish us luck!

On Tue, Aug 30, 2022 at 3:12 PM Lance Albertson <la...@osuosl.org> wrote:
> All,
> Next Tuesday, September 6th between 3-5PM PDT (2200-0000UTC) we will be 
> migrating our network uplink from NERO to LinkOregon.
> Over the past several years, NERO has been merged into a new organization 
> called LinkOregon [1]. They have built a completely new network and this 
> migration will finally move us over to that new network. This will eventually 
> give us access to even more bandwidth and will also move us off of their 
> "legacy" network. For now we're just moving from one 10G uplink to another 
> 10G. But we're planning on upgrading this to 40G or 100G eventually.
> I expect there to be a 5-10min system-wide outage (hopefully much less) while 
> we make this migration. We will be shutting down the current uplink on one 
> router, and bringing up the new uplink on a different router. I will be 
> on-site in case there are any major issues where I need to get direct access 
> to the switches.
> If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.
> [1] https://www.linkoregon.org/
> --
> Lance Albertson
> Director
> Oregon State University | Open Source Lab

Lance Albertson
Oregon State University | Open Source Lab
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