As an original author - not much has changed since. I am regularly following what Github Action released to see if the problems we raised to them were addressed or not. All the updates regarding the security tightening are updated in the wiki page (not much changed - there are a number of watchouts and if you follow them carefully you can have fairly secure environment - but still self-hosted runners's security problem for Public repos is not entirely solved (it's mitigated in parts but still there are workflows where bots might mine bitcoin using your infrastructure by creating PRs or take over your Self-Hosted environment if you are not careful enough. That is the root cause of the problem for using Public Runners as even if you have your credits/sponsors for infrastructure, it's hard to deploy a secure self-hosted runner. We've done that in Airflow but it's difficult to replicate due to our design choices.
One thing not mentioned there which I am aware of is that the Apache Beam team with some Apache Airflow team involvement are working on a reusable infrastructure for running self-hosted runners on GKE/K8S in a secure way that should be easier to replicate. But it will still take some time to conclude (and vacation period is I think not helping). I do not know if there was any progress in changes of our GitHub involvement in terms of numbers of Public runners available (maybe the INFRA team/Gavin can provide more info). But we build a small "tracking" of the usage in Airflow - not perfect, in some cases it is just an indication rather than "very accurate" data but it shows some stats. We keep track of those continuously and I refresh the data from time to time (and I know Infra was looking into building own "proper" dashboard based on it): Here are stats from today: * Growth in the number of ASF projects using GA : * Biggest "users" of GA (in terms of number of workflows): May - August 2022: * Usage per projects ("Average workflows in progress): Quick look indicates that July/August we again started to get more fluctuations as some projects originated some spikes in a number of workflows used. That's all the information I can add to it - from the Apache Airflow side at least. We are mostly in monitoring mode (infrequently) as for us most of the problems with GA were solved by introducing our own (paid by our sponsors) self-hosted runners, so we are not really affected too much. Seems that also GA became much better in "fair" distribution of workflows among multiple projects which means that when things are slow - everyone is affected and it's difficult to abuse it by a single project that starts many workflows (though this is mostly anecdotal evidence - the problems the "unfairness" caused ~ 2 years ago was really very well visible and at least there are no indicators of that returning (or maybe I have not seen that). J. On Tue, Aug 16, 2022 at 4:57 PM Slawomir Jaranowski <> wrote: > > Thanks Richard, > > Mentioned page contains data which is one year old ... > Can anyone update it? How does it look today? > > wt., 16 sie 2022 o 16:36 Zowalla, Richard <> > napisał(a): > > > Hi, > > > > > > > > contains some performance details + background infos. > > > > Gruß > > Richard > > > > ________________________________ > > Von: Slawomir Jaranowski <> > > Gesendet: Dienstag, 16. August 2022 15:56:44 > > An: > > Betreff: GitHub Actions runners > > > > Hi, > > > > Do we monitoring usage of GitHub action runners? > > How many projects use GitHub actions? > > How runners are utilized by each ASF project? > > > > Last time I see that Maven builds spent more time waiting for free runners > > and builds took about 1 hour instead of a couple of minutes. > > > > Eg on > > > > Each job takes about 2 - 4 minutes but to complete the whole workflow we > > need about 1 hour. > > > > If more projects will use GitHub actions it can be a problem. > > > > > > -- > > Sławomir Jaranowski > > > > > -- > Sławomir Jaranowski