
OpenJDK 19 b26 and 20 b1 have been installed for all Ubuntu CI agents -
The Windows ones will be updated soon too!


On Mon, Jun 13, 2022 at 4:19 PM David Delabassee <
david.delabas...@oracle.com> wrote:

> Greetings!
> JDK 19 has now entered Rampdown Phase One (RDP1) [1], which means that
> the main-line has been forked into a dedicated JDK 19 stabilization
> repository. At this point, the overall JDK 19 feature set is frozen and
> no additional JEPs will be targeted to JDK 19. The stabilization
> repository is open for select bug fixes and, with approval, late
> low-risk enhancements per the JDK Release Process [2]. Any change pushed
> to the main line is now bound for JDK 20, unless it is explicitly
> back-ported to JDK 19.
> The next few weeks should be leveraged to try to identify and resolve as
> many issues as possible, i.e. before JDK 19 enters the Release
> Candidates phase. Moreover, we encourage you to test your project with
> the `enable-preview` flag as described in this Quality Outreach Heads-up
> [3], and even if you don't intend to use Virtual Threads in the near
> future.
> [1] https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/jdk-dev/2022-June/006735.html
> [2] https://openjdk.java.net/jeps/3
> [3] https://inside.java/2022/05/16/quality-heads-up/
> ## Heads-up - openjdk.java.net ➜ openjdk.org DNS transition
> The OpenJDK infrastructure is moving from the old openjdk.java.net
> subdomain to the openjdk.org top-level domain. This will affect all
> active subdomains (i.e., bugs, cr, db, git, hg, mail, and wiki) and the
> old hostnames (*.openjdk.java.net) will now act as aliases for the new
> names. No actions are required as this transition should be transparent
> and is mostly done. It should be mentioned that https://jdk.java.net/ is
> not changing.
> More infirmation can be found in the original proposal
> https://mail.openjdk.java.net/pipermail/discuss/2022-May/006089.html
> ## JDK 19 Early-Access builds
> JDK 19 Early-Access builds 26 are now available [4], and are provided
> under the GNU General Public License v2, with the Classpath Exception.
> The Release Notes are available here [5]. Given that JDK 19 is now in
> RDP1, the initial JDK 20 Early-Access builds are now also available [6].
> [4] https://jdk.java.net/19/
> [5] https://jdk.java.net/19/release-notes
> [6] https://jdk.java.net/20/
> ### JEPs integrated to JDK 19:
> - JEP 405: Record Patterns (Preview)
> - JEP 422: Linux/RISC-V Port
> - JEP 424: Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview)
> - JEP 425: Virtual Threads (Preview)
> - JEP 426: Vector API (Fourth Incubator)
> - JEP 427: Pattern Matching for switch (Third Preview)
> - JEP 428: Structured Concurrency (Incubator)
> ### Recent changes that may be of interest:
> Build 26:
> - JDK-8284199: Implementation of Structured Concurrency (Incubator)
> - JDK-8282662: Use List.of() factory method to reduce memory consumption
> - JDK-8284780: Need methods to create pre-sized HashSet and LinkedHashSet
> - JDK-8250950: Allow per-user and system wide configuration of a
> jpackaged app
> - JDK-8236569: -Xss not multiple of 4K does not work for the main thread
> on macOS
> - JDK-4511638: Double.toString(double) sometimes produces incorrect results
> - JDK-8287714: Improve handling of JAVA_ARGS
> - JDK-8286850: [macos] Add support for signing user provided app image
> - JDK-8287425: Remove unnecessary register push for
> MacroAssembler::check_k…
> - JDK-8283694: Improve bit manipulation and boolean to integer conversion
> o…
> - JDK-8287522: StringConcatFactory: Add in prependers and mixers in batches
> Build 25:
> - JDK-8284960: Integration of JEP 426: Vector API (Fourth Incubator)
> - JDK-8287244: Add bound check in indexed memory access var handle
> - JDK-8287292: Improve TransformKey to pack more kinds of transforms
> effici…
> - JDK-8287003: InputStreamReader::read() can return zero despite writing a
> …
> - JDK-8287064: Modernize ProxyGenerator.PrimitiveTypeInfo
> Build 24:
> - JDK-8286908: ECDSA signature should not return parameters
> - JDK-8261768: SelfDestructTimer should accept seconds
> - JDK-8286304: Removal of diagnostic flag GCParallelVerificationEnabled
> - JDK-8267038: Update IANA Language Subtag Registry to Version 2022-03-02
> - JDK-8285517: System.getenv() returns unexpected value if environment
> vari…
> - JDK-8285513: JFR: Add more static support for event classes
> - JDK-8287024: G1: Improve the API boundary between HeapRegionRemSet and
> G1…
> - JDK-8287139: aarch64 intrinsic for unsignedMultiplyHigh
> Build 23:
> - JDK-8282191: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview)
> - JDK-8286090: Add RC2/RC4 to jdk.security.legacyAlgorithms
> - JDK-8282080: Lambda deserialization fails for Object method references
> on interfaces
> - JDK-6782021: It is not possible to read local computer certificates
> with the SunMSCAPI provider
> - JDK-8282191: Implementation of Foreign Function & Memory API (Preview)
> - JDK-8284194: Allow empty subject fields in keytool
> - JDK-8209137: Add ability to bind to specific local address to HTTP client
> - JDK-8286841: Add BigDecimal.TWO
> - JDK-8287139: aarch64 intrinsic for unsignedMultiplyHigh
> - JDK-8282160: JShell circularly-required classes cannot be defined
> - JDK-8282280: Update Xerces to Version 2.12.2
> ## Topics of Interest
> * Replacing Finalizers with Cleaners
> https://inside.java/2022/05/25/clean-cleaner/
> * Testing Clean Cleaner Cleanup
> https://inside.java/2022/05/27/testing-clean-cleaner-cleanup/
> * Improved JFR Ergonomics
> https://egahlin.github.io/2022/05/31/improved-ergonomics.html
> * Java 19 Virtual Threads - JEP Café
> https://inside.java/2022/06/08/jepcafe11/
> * Deconstructing Records in Pattern Matching - Inside Java Newscast
> https://inside.java/2022/06/02/insidejava-newscast-026/
> * Concurrent Thread-stack Processing in the Z Garbage Collector
> https://inside.java/2022/05/31/zgc-concurrent-thread-stack-processing/
> As usual, let us know if you find any issues while testing your
> project(s) on the latest JDK early-access builds. Thanks for your support!
> --David

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