In case someone stumbles across:



Am Donnerstag, dem 05.05.2022 um 09:57 +0200 schrieb Richard Zowalla:
> Hi all, 
> we automatically re-generate some files during a build of TomEE and
> used to automatically create a PR via GitHub actions. Similar
> approaches are done by other projects (such as Camel) too. 
> This is a quite handy feature as it allows us to create and review
> related PRs and then merge the generated files into the codebase.
> Such PRs looked like:
> However, it seems, that the behaviour has changed and the actions now
> reports
> > Error: GitHub Actions is not permitted to create or approve pull
> requests.
> See: 
> The funny thing is, that the Commit / Push on a branch is working and
> is mirrored to the ASF Git but a PR cannot be created. 
> This results in commits / PRs such as: 
> My questions are:
> - Did some default change?
> - Is this an intended (security) related change?
> - How can we restore the previous behaviour?
> According to Humbedooh via #INFRA on Slack there was no change
> conducted by INFRA. 
> CC-ing dev@ here, so the TomEE Dev community is in the loop.
> Thanks and Gruß
> Richard

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