On 15/08/2021 09:44, Gavin McDonald wrote:


For those of you with nightly builds that use ci.apache.org/projects/* -
please note that this service is deprecated and will NOT be available going
forward. Instead, your jobs should be changed to upload to
https://nightlies.apache.org/$project/* instead. Please request if you want
your existing content migrated over otherwise we will not do so.

Hi Gavin,

One question about the above.

The Tomcat builds currently generate:
- code coverage reports
- docs
- test logs
- RAT output

to ci.a.o/projects/...

Does the above mean that the migration includes necessary changes to generate this output to nightlies.a.o instead? If so, that is great and thanks for taking care of this. If not, what do we need to do?

Either way, we don't need the old content migrated.

Oh, is there an automatic process to remove old content from nightlies.a.o? If not, we'll need to add one as we (well, I) currently clean up old logs (the only dir that builds up over time) manually every few months.



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