This is a great post and great approach from the Superset team.

FYI. In Airflow we are working on enabling the very same approach that we
did for AWS in GCP, with a slightly different approach when it comes to
auto-scaling (a bit simpler I think).  We will share it when we finish.


On Mon, May 3, 2021 at 10:05 PM Rob DiCiuccio <>

> Hi all,
> I was asked to share details of our setup for ephemeral builds and how
> we're leveraging GitHub Actions and AWS Fargate to create manual test
> environments on pull requests in Apache Superset. I wrote this up in a blog
> post last week and I'm happy to answer any questions about the approach:
> One thing not mentioned in the blog post is the current pain around GitHub
> Actions delays making this feature unusable at times. I'm aware of multiple
> discussions already going on around this issue. We are looking into setting
> up self-hosted runners, similar to Airflow's approach, but we're still
> investigating our options and usage patterns.
> Cheers,
> Rob

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