On 07/04/2021 07:43, Mick Semb Wever wrote: >> >> My understanding is that pulls of all images from the apache/* namespace >> are not subject to rate limiting. Thus, the recommendation to move >> everything you need inside of it. >> > As >95% of our CI docker commands are pulls from apache/ images, > if rate-limiting is the cause of this (note that nowhere did we see the > toomanyrequests response error), > then we still need to authenticate docker to get the rate-limiting > exception for those apache/ images, > as you mention hereĀ¹. Has that changed?
My mistake, I mis-remembered why we wanted this change. Moving images to the apache organisation only prevents them from being auto-deleted by Docker Hub's scrubbing process, which started in the middle of last year. Your proposal to have a Docker Hub account seems reasonable, but since this is something projects can solve themselves, not critical path. We'll probably store the Docker Hub creds in Jenkins, then reference that in the build, which is what we do for other creds we need today. As we use declarative pipeline, that's something like: docker { image "${DOCKER_IMAGE}" label 'docker' args "${DOCKER_ARGS}" registryCredentialsId "${DOCKER_CREDS"} } Then it is easy to use our own Jenkins-stored creds (https://www.jenkins.io/doc/book/using/using-credentials/), or Infra can give us a pair to use instead. > Maybe I'm circling, but doesn't this then support the need that we should > have jenkins agents docker authenticated somehow? > > [1] > https://lists.apache.org/thread.html/rede9074dd499ae10dcb501dedcdec43fe9cbb5c646a2c38b19946f85%40%3Cbuilds.apache.org%3E