Just one comment - you might want to take a look at
documents which describes some of the open issues we have with GitHub
Actions - they relate to scalability/performance and security.

Also - maybe the IP Addresses of ASF infrastructure could have higher
limits (or even no limits) - maybe somehow infra could reach out to GitHub
and check? This seems like a super-simple solution if they could help us
with it.
I know DockerHub for example exempts apache images from pull rate limits
thanks to agreement with INFRA.


On Wed, Feb 17, 2021 at 10:27 AM Zoran Regvart <zo...@regvart.com> wrote:

> Hi builders,
> for the Apache Camel website build[1] we on occasion hit GitHub API
> limits. If I'm not mistaken, the limit for unauthenticated API access
> is accrued based on the source IP address, which I'm guessing is
> shared across all projects accessing GitHub API from the same set of
> Jenkins nodes.
> We use the GitHub API to fetch user information (full name, avatar),
> issues per milestone, and similar. The requests originate from our
> static site generator - Hugo, and are cached for 12h[2].
> Unfortunately, Hugo doesn't support setting any HTTP request headers,
> and query based authentication will be discontinued[3]. So I don't see
> a way of authenticating against the API in our case.
> I'm considering our options, and I'd be happy to hear other
> suggestions, and it seems that one option would be to run the build on
> GitHub Actions. As far as I understand, there is a requirement to
> build the websites on the ASF CI infrastructure (Jenkins, ...),
> partially based on the service account setup that allows pushing to
> the `asf-site` branch from there. We could replicate that setup on
> GitHub Actions by having INFRA add a $GITHUB_TOKEN secret with push
> permissions to the website git repository.
> What in the way of precedent or applicable policy is there for this?
> zoran
> [1] https://ci-builds.apache.org/job/Camel/job/Camel.website/
> [2]
> https://github.com/apache/camel-website/blob/master/config.toml#L24-L26
> [3]
> https://developer.github.com/changes/2020-02-10-deprecating-auth-through-query-param/
> --
> Zoran Regvart

+48 660 796 129

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