I also sent incident report to secur...@apache.org for the checkout action.
If it is confirmed that it works this way, this is a really serious issue

On Wed, Dec 30, 2020 at 11:24 AM Jarek Potiuk <ja...@potiuk.com> wrote:

> Jarek>Installing and even running commands via PIP does not expose
>> (and this is the real threat). It at most exposes the local build
>> Running PIP at the ASF Jenkins instance (e.g. https://ci-beam.apache.org/
>> )
>> exposes ASF credentials to a malicious PIP package.
>> Does that mean every upgrade of a PIP/NPM package must be analyzed by
>> infra?
> What credentials are you talking about?
> IMHO, there should not be any ASF credentials available for a  Jenkins job
> unless it is explicitly given by the workflow author to particular step.
> If you are aware of any credentials that are available for such a job -
> again, I urge you to reach out to secur...@apache.org as this is (as you
> correctly diagnosed)
> a huge security threat. By default all CI jobs should have "read only"
> credentials that should at most be able to mess with the artifacts of that
> particular job and nothing else.
> None of the artifacts generated by such a build should be made available
> to users. Even if you look at the release policy of ASF all relese
> artifacts should be built on the machines
> controlled by the release manager. This is a strict requirement of the
> release process:
> http://www.apache.org/legal/release-policy.html#owned-controlled-hardware
> So as long as such an ASF CI job cannot modify the repository and modify
> the code in a permanent way, it is far less of a threat.
> The problem with the issue solved by the INFRA is that it could
> permanently modify the ASF-owned repository (and thus reach the users!)
> without anyone noticing. This is the real issue.
> That does not scale.
> Of course. And it is not needed as long the CI jobs have no write
> credentials to the repository unless explicitly given for a specific step -
> see above.
>> That is why I say a malicious Maven Plugin can render havoc at ASF
> Not as long as the build cannot write to the github repository and modify
> code.
>> Jenkins, and it could make
>> silent modifications to the ASF repositories.
> Please report that to INFRA if you know how. to do it This is a serious
> security threat and IMHO it should be immediately stopped.
>> The same goes for PIP and other dependencies.
> Not if they have no credentials to modify the repo (if it's not - please
> report it to INFRA)
>> Vladimir
> --
> +48 660 796 129

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