Not speaking for INFRA (I am but a humble user of INFRA services) but my
comments below.

On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 2:12 PM Vladimir Sitnikov <> wrote:

> Jarek>Github Action can use the GITHUB_TOKEN to perform write operations to
> anything in the repo
> Once again: GITHUB_TOKEN has to be explicitly used in the YAML file.
> If GITHUB_TOKEN is not mentioned in the YAML, then write access is NOT
> possible.

Yes. And this is a valid and useful case to keep. As you see we use it in
airflow extensively.
Forbidding using GITHUB_TOKEN is not an option for us. We need it. We can
move the actions to apache repos (we did) so the decision from Infra has a
workaround to follow. Just clone the actions you use to new repos (those can
be created easily with self-service ASF tools)

Just to repeat again: GITHUB_TOKEN is needed in many cases.

Jarek>This is exactly what Greg is writing about
> Greg's message was very vague, so I asked for clarification.

I hope my explanations help :)

> Jarek>Basically, any non-trivial action will likely have the requirement to
> Should infra forbid non-trivial workflows then?

Not at all. The cases where GITHUB_TOKEN is needed are very much legitimate
and needed.

> Why should others suffer?

Indeed people suffered. You just were just hit by the hard reality, that
suffering is unavoidable and that sometimes you suffer not because of your
The action was apparently because of a security incident.
I personally spent half of the after-Xmas Sunday restoring the service to
our users, moving 7 repositories in and discussing with GitHub support
they blocked my account due to an infinite loop of jobs (30K/hour) that
were triggered as
the result.

The action was apparently because of a security incident.
While I do not think that was the best timing
and that communication should be better, rather than whining and
complaining I
simply raised my concerns and then did my job - and did what I could -
moved the repos in.

It's not for me to judge if the call was justified and how big a problem
the incident was
but I have full trust that the infra team did what they had to do as a
short-term remedy.
If someone started to actively exploit it against Apache projects, it would
be plain stupid
not doing it (and yes we suffered because of that). Now I hope we can
discuss it
and find a good "long-term" solution. By making some constructive proposals
understanding the consequences (which I think this discussion is all about).

I really hope that all of us + infra will find a good solution. But we need
to cooperate.

> The action to deny third-party actions looks too intrusive, and the
> risks/damage of a runaway action
> does not seem to exceed the risks of adding a compromised dependency /
> compromised build system plugin.

This is for infra to judge, not for me or you. I personally think neither
nor I have any data to make the call. I have no slightest idea how you've
reached that conclusion, to be honest.  You do not know what was the
We do not know what was the extent of the security
incident (and maybe we won't ever find, as this is usually confidential
So judging what was worse, is completely outside of my or your realm I am

> Jarek>But those practices are very difficult to enforce
> One of the approaches would be to forbid committing GITHUB_TOKEN.

I think Greg was very clear in his message that after reacting to the
incident - this is the right time to start discussion on what INFRA can do

I believe it was not possible to forbid GITHUB_TOKEN in the short term,
that the INFRA got for reaction to the security incident.
We might discuss it as an option to follow but I can tell
you immediately that this is something we need badly. So even if this is
to be one of the options in the future, it must be only one option. And
it has to be supported by GitHub. The "restrict only to the organization"
was a change
that could be implemented by the configuration of the organization and was
in effect and with a single flip of a config, all the Apache repos were
immediately cut off from
anyone trying to exploit the vulnerability. I think it was great that there
was such
an option and making a bold decision like that is something that I have
full trust
INFRA team did because I believe and Greg confirmed that they had
a very good reason to do it.

> GitHub Actions doc>This means that a compromise of a single action within a
> workflow can be very significant,
> GitHub Actions doc>as that compromised action would have access to all
> secrets configured on your repository

> A compromise of a single build script plugin can be very significant, as
> that compromised code
> would have access to all secrets configured on developer (committer/PMC)
> machines,
> it would have access to all secrets configured on ASF Jenkins, and so on.
> Does that mean the next step is to forbid all non-ASF build systems and the
> corresponding plugins?

 From what I know, INFRA already controls and reviews all plugins that are
installed in the
ASF Jenkins (at least that was the case where I was involved in the Apache
Infrastructure upgrade project). This was a major pain for us because we
had to first do the
tests on our local Jenkins and then ask INFRA to install the plugins. But
it turns this is a really
wise approach in retrospect from the INFRA side. AFAIK other build systems
do not
have similar plugin systems with such an issue.

But if you do know of any system like that, I really urge you to
IMMEDIATELY write to - to let them know.  I believe if a similar
issue exists in other systems, they should be immediately disabled. Not in
the future or
as a next step, but NOW. So please, if you know of any such system, please
immediate action, because it puts in danger some projects (and please do
not write it here -
the builds group is publicly readable, and by disclosing such problems
publicly before they are
fixed you put those systems in greater danger - this is a "responsible
disclosure" policy.

> Vladimir

On Tue, Dec 29, 2020 at 2:12 PM Vladimir Sitnikov <> wrote:

> Jarek>Github Action can use the GITHUB_TOKEN to perform write operations
> to anything in the repo
> Once again: GITHUB_TOKEN has to be explicitly used in the YAML file.
> If GITHUB_TOKEN is not mentioned in the YAML, then write access is NOT
> possible.
> Jarek>This is exactly what Greg is writing about
> Greg's message was very vague, so I asked for clarification.
> Jarek>Basically, any non-trivial action will likely have the requirement
> Should infra forbid non-trivial workflows then?
> Why should others suffer?
> Apache Calcite, Apache JMeter use GitHub actions, and GITHUB_TOKEN is not
> used at all.
> The action to deny third-party actions looks too intrusive, and the
> risks/damage of a runaway action
> does not seem to exceed the risks of adding a compromised dependency /
> compromised build system plugin.
> Jarek>But those practices are very difficult to enforce
> One of the approaches would be to forbid committing GITHUB_TOKEN.
> GitHub Actions doc>This means that a compromise of a single action within
> a workflow can be very significant,
> GitHub Actions doc>as that compromised action would have access to all
> secrets configured on your repository
> A compromise of a single build script plugin can be very significant, as
> that compromised code
> would have access to all secrets configured on developer (committer/PMC)
> machines,
> it would have access to all secrets configured on ASF Jenkins, and so on.
> Does that mean the next step is to forbid all non-ASF build systems and
> the corresponding plugins?
> Vladimir


Jarek Potiuk
Polidea <> | Principal Software Engineer

M: +48 660 796 129 <+48660796129>
[image: Polidea] <>

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