Hi All,

I now have my 2 volunteers.

On Tue, Dec 22, 2020 at 10:26 AM Gavin McDonald <gmcdon...@apache.org>

> Hi All,
> Infra would like to hand off the adding/deleting of various JDKs within
> our CI systems. This is mainly for Jenkins and Buildbot.
> We provide for our projects many different versions of Java provided by
> many different vendors. Those include IBM, Oracle, OpenJDK and
> AdoptOpenJDK;
> and are installed on all our nodes/agents/runners on both Ubuntu and
> Windows.
> We obtain and repackage all JDKs as deb packages or zips into our Bintray
> Org
> ready for being pulled in via our Puppet configurations. (We repackage so
> that we
> can install into custom paths on the OS.)
> We also have a couple of scripts for making the download,repackage and
> upload to
> Bintray almost 100% automated. The final steps are to then create a PR
> against
> our Github repository for approval and merging. Once merged, our
> Documentation
> must also be updated with the newer versions or deletion of old versions.
> Credentials for the Bintray API will be provided so the scripts can work.
> No access is
> needed to the nodes themselves. Access to Infra SVN where our scripts live
> will also
> be granted. Basically, you will be added to our infrastructure ldap group
> if you are not
> already there. Write access to INFRA cwiki where pages need updating will
> also be
> taken care of.
> Ideally, one or two people would be able to take on this role with the
> intention of doing
> it for an extended period of time. Im looking at least a year I guess, at
> which time the
> volunteers could either keep going with it or pass it on. Life happens;
> and so I wont
> hold anyone to a specific time, just nice to know it is being taken care
> of.
> The same scripts are also made for updating Apache Ant and Apache Maven as
> newer
> versions come out, so optionally the volunteer(s) could also take care of
> those.
> If you are interested, *please email me directly only*, let's not flood
> these mailing lists
> with replies, thank you. I'll pick one or two volunteers after a week or
> so.
> Thanks for reading this far, that could mean you are interested right!
> --
> *Gavin McDonald*
> Systems Administrator
> ASF Infrastructure Team


*Gavin McDonald*
Systems Administrator
ASF Infrastructure Team

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