
I also brought this up at on Nov 4th, on a call organized by Gavin, with
several of you on this list.  It's worth repeating here.

I've carried an action item on the board agenda for quite a while now:

> * Sander: work on guidelines for PMCs to request CI resources
>       [ Unfinished Business 2020-05-20 ]

I think that since May the situation has improved - if not please correct

The main observation is that there are mechanisms in place to support CI
needs for projects.  The main deficiency seems to be in documentation and
discoverability; one place where one can find all options available, level
of support, and how to add compute resources beyond what is available to
the ASF.

To that end I kindly ask the knowledgeable people on this list to help
consolidate the documentation in one location.  That is, one place where
someone can see all the options available for use.  Including how to bring
your own resources, or how to donate to get your own resources.

Of Infrastructure I would request to get clarity on the SLAs / available
capacity of each of the products available for use, and make those easily
discoverable.  Especially where resources are seemingly free and unlimited.

Thanks in advance!



Various places with documentation or otherwise useful resources:
- https://infra.apache.org/services.html#build
- https://ci.apache.org/
- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/label/INFRA/infra-buildbot
- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/label/INFRA/infra-jenkins
- https://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/INFRA/Buildbot
- https://ci-builds.apache.org/
- https://builds.apache.org/
- https://infra.apache.org/github-actions-secrets.html
- https://infra-reports.apache.org/cistats/
- https://lists.apache.org/list.html?builds@apache.org
- ...travis...
- ...circleci...

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