On Thu, 23 Jan 2020 at 08:56, Robert Munteanu <romb...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Wed, 2020-01-22 at 17:53 -0800, Chris Lambertus wrote:
> > Additionally, orphaned docker jobs are causing major resource
> > contention. I will be adding a weekly job to docker system prune —all
> > && service docker restart.
> +1, it's easy to get this wrong. It would be great if you could also
> document some best practices when using containers for CI on the ASF
> Jenkins instance.
> docker system prune -af works, but is probably a big hammer, when each
> job should instead clean up after itself.
+1 on this.

For Brooklyn, we are using docker container for CI and I think we do it
right (you can see the Dockerfile and Jenkinsfile in the repo for more
context). But guidelines would be great. For instance, it took a long time
to arrive to the particular setup we are currently running.

Back to the question of timeouts, the main Brooklyn build pipeline takes
around 1h30.


Thomas Bouron
Senior Software Engineer

*Cloudsoft <https://cloudsoft.io/> *| Bringing Business to the Cloud

GitHub: https://github.com/tbouron
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