Many thanks for the example, Zoran.

I think I see the problem now. For camel-website you're running Github actions in camel-website, so I think it implicitly allows you to push to the same repo.

In my case, I have actions in calcite, calcite-avatica and calcite-avatica-go pushing to calcite-site. I was thinking I could reverse the relationship and store the actions in calcite-site (thus avoiding the need to authenticate), but I don't think GH actions allow triggering on events that originate from other repositories.


On 5/09/2019 4:31 pm, Zoran Regvart wrote:
Hi Francis,
either that little loophole was closed or you're missing ``
and `` in your git config. Here's[1] how we used to do it for
the Camel website.



On Thu, Sep 5, 2019 at 3:02 AM Francis Chuang <> wrote:

Hi Zoran,

I tired cloning from, but pushing to it is still denied.

If I don't set any credentials in git, it complains that there is no
username for

If I set the GITHUB_TOKEN as the credential, I get a 403:


On 4/09/2019 10:04 pm, Zoran Regvart wrote:
Hi Francis,

On Tue, Aug 27, 2019 at 12:19 PM Francis Chuang
<> wrote:

I have implemented the ability to generate the website and javadoc for
Calcite using Github Actions. See:

The missing piece is that we need the token to publish to our
calcite-site repository to be added as a secret in Github Actions and
there is currently no clear process as to whether this is allowed or how
to get this done.

In your GitHub actions try cloning from rather than, I think you'll find that you can push to a repository without authentication from a GitHub action.


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