On Mon, Jul 22, 2019 at 2:20 AM Jarek Potiuk <jarek.pot...@polidea.com>

> Hello Everyone (especially the infrastructure),
> Can we increase a number of workers/jobs we have per project now?
> Decreasing it to 5 (which I believe is the case) is terrible for us now
> We are nearing  1.10.4 release with Airflow and if we have more than one PR
> in the queue it waits for several hours to run!
> Can we increase the limits to 15 or so (3 parallell builds for Airflow as
> we are running 5 jobs per stage).

Sorry to say, but "no". Travis is a *shared* resource.

As noted elsethread, before we applied limits, Airflow used about 77,000
minutes in a month. That is tying up two executors full-time for the entire
month. We have a hundred projects using Travis, and Airflow consumed a 20th
of our entire capacity.

The limit for all projects shall remain at five (5).

You can always run your tests locally, to prepare for your upcoming
release. The Foundation's paid resources need to remain shared/available
for all of our projects.

Greg Stein
Infrastructure Administrator, ASF

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