Hi there, We would like to automate publishing of Mesos snapshot jar to repository.apache.org through a Jenkins job in builds.a.o. Right now we do this manually through a script <https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/master/support/snapshot.sh>.
I have couple questions that I was hoping you could help me with. 1) IIUC, all Jenkins build agents already have required credentials configured in "~/m2" to be able to push to snapshot repo of RAO when doing `mvn deploy`. Can you confirm if that's the case? Do we have to set anything in the PATH for this to work? 2) Our POM file <https://github.com/apache/mesos/blob/master/src/java/mesos.pom.in#L117> uses GPG signing through maven gpg plugin. Do the Jenkins agents also have pre-configured GPG keys or do we have to inject them somehow (any examples?) or should we disable signing for snapshots? Thanks, Vinod