
pulsar-website cleaned up nicely. pulsar-master is still problematic - despite 
having run a few minutes ago, there are still builds dating back to 2017 in the 
pulsar-master/modules/org.apache.pulsar* directories, so it also appears that 
maven module ‘discard old builds’ is not working either. I have not yet found 
any suggested solutions to this.


> On Jun 10, 2019, at 11:14 AM, Chris Lambertus <> wrote:
> Outstanding, thanks. I believe the job cleanup runs when the next build runs. 
> You could manually trigger a build to test, or we can check next time the 
> build runs automatically (presuming it runs nighty.)
> -Chris
>> On Jun 10, 2019, at 11:10 AM, Matteo Merli <> wrote:
>> For pulsar-website-build and pulsar-master, the "discard old builds"
>> wasn't set unfortunately. I just enabled it now. Not sure if there's a
>> way to quickly trigger a manual cleanup.
>> Regarding "pulsar-pull-request": this was an old Jenkins job no longer
>> used (since we switched to multiple smaller PR validation jobs a while
>> ago). I have removed the Jenkins job. Hopefully that should take care
>> of cleaning all the files.
>> Thanks,
>> Matteo
>> --
>> Matteo Merli
>> <>
>> On Mon, Jun 10, 2019 at 10:57 AM Chris Lambertus <> wrote:
>>> Hello,
>>> The jenkins master is nearly full.
>>> The workspaces listed below need significant size reduction within 24 hours 
>>> or Infra will need to perform some manual pruning of old builds to keep the 
>>> jenkins system running. The Mesos “Packaging” job also needs to be 
>>> corrected to include the project name (mesos-packaging) please.
>>> It appears that the typical ‘Discard Old Builds’ checkbox in the job 
>>> configuration may not be working for multibranch pipeline jobs. Please 
>>> refer to these articles for information on discarding builds in multibranch 
>>> jobs:
>>> NB: I have not fully vetted the above information, I just notice that many 
>>> of these jobs have ‘Discard old builds’ checked, but it is clearly not 
>>> working.
>>> If you are unable to reduce your disk usage beyond what is listed, please 
>>> let me know what the reasons are and we’ll see if we can find a solution. 
>>> If you believe you’ve configured your job properly and the space usage is 
>>> more than you expect, please comment here and we’ll take a look at what 
>>> might be going on.
>>> I cut this list off arbitrarily at 40GB workspaces and larger. There are 
>>> many which are between 20 and 30GB which also need to be addressed, but 
>>> these are the current top contributors to the disk space situation.
>>> 594G    Packaging
>>> 425G    pulsar-website-build
>>> 274G    pulsar-master
>>> 195G    hadoop-multibranch
>>> 173G    HBase Nightly
>>> 138G    HBase-Flaky-Tests
>>> 119G    netbeans-release
>>> 108G    Any23-trunk
>>> 101G    netbeans-linux-experiment
>>> 96G     Jackrabbit-Oak-Windows
>>> 94G     HBase-Find-Flaky-Tests
>>> 88G     PreCommit-ZOOKEEPER-github-pr-build
>>> 74G     netbeans-windows
>>> 71G     stanbol-0.12
>>> 68G     Sling
>>> 63G     Atlas-master-NoTests
>>> 48G     FlexJS Framework (maven)
>>> 45G     HBase-PreCommit-GitHub-PR
>>> 42G     pulsar-pull-request
>>> 40G     Atlas-1.0-NoTests
>>> Thanks,
>>> Chris
>>> ASF Infra

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