Hi Gavin,


Josh - when you create the job under a Heron tab make sure that just after the 
JDK selection you check the “Restrict where this project can be run to the 
“Label Expression” = git-websites

You can play with the shell script to look at what is where on the git-websites 

Let me know on dev@heron if you want to discuss the Incubator site as an 


> On Apr 23, 2019, at 12:44 PM, Gavin McDonald <ipv6g...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi All,
> gulp and hugo should be installed on the websites jenkins node shortly
> Gav...
> On Tue, Apr 23, 2019 at 8:38 PM Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
>> Hi -
>> I am a mentor to Heron and am following this request. Does the website
> Jenkins box have the software and if so, what version?
>> If there is a quick way to query that information that would be great! If
> not then we figure a way to look.
>>> On Apr 23, 2019, at 11:50 AM, Josh Fischer <j...@joshfischer.io> wrote:
>>> I am one of the committers on the incubating project Heron.  I am
> looking
>>> to create a Jenkins job that will be triggered on commit's to the
>>> "asf-site" branch to build and deploy our static assets and I have some
>>> questions.
>>> 1. Does the Jenkins box have the build tools listed below already?  Or
> do
>>> you think it would be better if I downloaded and installed in the
> workspace
>>> for each build?
>>> 2. Where would I put the static files to be served?  I'm assuming there
> is
>>> something already pre-defined in the jenkins box that I can re-use?
>>> The requirements for building our site  are as follows: (I copied our
> setup
>>> script directly  to make sure I didn't miss anything).  I hope this is
>>> enough detail, please let me know.
>>> A quick overview is:
>>>  - Make <https://www.gnu.org/software/make/>
>>>  - Hugo
>>>  - GulpJs
>>>  - Node.js <https://nodejs.org/en/>
>>>  - npm <https://www.npmjs.com/>
>>>  - pip <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip> - install PyYAML>=3.12
>>>  - Go <https://golang.org/> (make sure that your GOPATH and GOROOT are
>>>  set)
>>>  - Java 8
>>>  - Bazel 0.23
>>> PLATFORM=`platform`
>>> if [ $PLATFORM = darwin ]; then
>>> go get -v github.com/gohugoio/hugo
>>> which wget || brew install wget
>>> elif [ $PLATFORM = ubuntu ]; then
>>> sudo apt-get install golang git mercurial -y
>>> export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go
>>> export GOPATH=$HOME/go
>>> export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
>>> go get -u -v github.com/spf13/hugo
>>> elif [ $PLATFORM = centos ]; then
>>> sudo yum -y install nodejs npm golang --enablerepo=epel
>>> export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go
>>> export GOPATH=$HOME/go
>>> export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
>>> go get -u -v github.com/spf13/hugo
>>> fi
>>> npm install
>>> sudo -H pip uninstall -y pygments
>>> sudo -H pip install pygments==2.1.3 pdoc==0.3.2
>>> Please Advise,
>> Thanks
>> Regards,
>> Dave
>>> Josh
>>> On Sat, Apr 13, 2019 at 7:47 PM Josh Fischer <j...@joshfischer.io>
> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> I am one of the committers on the incubating project Heron.  I am
> looking
>>>> to create a Jenkins job that will be triggered on commit's to the
>>>> "asf-site" branch to build and deploy our static assets.  I'd like to
> check
>>>> if the Jenkins box supports what we will need for building our site as
> well
>>>> as get some guidance to where and how I will place the static assets
> to be
>>>> served for our site.
>>>> The requirements for building our site  are as follows: (I copied our
>>>> setup script directly  to make sure I didn't miss anything).  I hope
> this
>>>> is enough detail, please let me know.
>>>> A quick overview is:
>>>>  - Make <https://www.gnu.org/software/make/>
>>>>  - Node.js <https://nodejs.org/en/>
>>>>  - npm <https://www.npmjs.com/>
>>>>  - pip <https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip> - install PyYAML>=3.12
>>>>  - Go <https://golang.org/> (make sure that your GOPATH and GOROOT are
>>>>  set)
>>>>  - Java 8
>>>>  - Bazel 0.23
>>>> PLATFORM=`platform`
>>>> if [ $PLATFORM = darwin ]; then
>>>> go get -v github.com/gohugoio/hugo
>>>> which wget || brew install wget
>>>> elif [ $PLATFORM = ubuntu ]; then
>>>> sudo apt-get install golang git mercurial -y
>>>> export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go
>>>> export GOPATH=$HOME/go
>>>> export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
>>>> go get -u -v github.com/spf13/hugo
>>>> elif [ $PLATFORM = centos ]; then
>>>> sudo yum -y install nodejs npm golang --enablerepo=epel
>>>> export GOROOT=/usr/lib/go
>>>> export GOPATH=$HOME/go
>>>> export PATH=$PATH:$GOROOT/bin:$GOPATH/bin
>>>> go get -u -v github.com/spf13/hugo
>>>> fi
>>>> npm install
>>>> sudo -H pip uninstall -y pygments
>>>> sudo -H pip install pygments==2.1.3 pdoc==0.3.2
> --
> Gav...

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