Hi, In the Sling project we've set up SonarQube analysis and PR validation using Multi-branch pipeline projects. So far, this works very well.
One things which I don't know how to achieve is to have Sonar build pull requests and comment in case of issues found. There are two parts of this feature: 1. The analysis result is posted on the GitHub pull request. This is important for visibility of the results as they are nicely added to the pull request. 2. The analysis result is not stored on the central sonar server. This is important since the code is not yet merged so the analysis of a pull request does not reflect what is in the master branch. I have followed the documentation from [1] and configured our job to use the required parameters for pull requests: mvn -U clean verify sonar:sonar -Dsonar.pullrequest.branch=feature/SLING-8262 -Dsonar.pullrequest.key=25 -Dsonar.pullrequest.base=master -Dsonar.pullrequest.provider=github -Dsonar.verbose=true -Dsonar.pullrequest.github.repository=apache/sling-whiteboard as seen in [2]. However, the analysis was stored in the Sonar server ( PR time is 2:54 PM, last analysis time in sonar is 3:55 - I suspect a time zone config difference ). I have noticed that the ASF SQ instance is at version 5.6.3, while the documentation at [1] is for version 7.6. Also I am not sure if there is anything to be done on the Sonar side to connect it to GitHub. So my questions are: 1. Has anyone else set up Sonar decorating pull requests using Jenkins? 2. Is this supposed to work at all with the ASF Jenkins instance? Thanks! Robert [1]: https://docs.sonarqube.org/latest/analysis/pull-request/ [2]: https://builds.apache.org/job/Sling/job/sling-whiteboard/view/change-requests/job/PR-25/9/console