Hi Chris,

Thank you for providing Carlos with instructions. Was that on or off list?


Sent from my iPhone

> On Jan 7, 2019, at 1:18 PM, Christofer Dutz <christofer.d...@c-ware.de> wrote:
> Hi Alex,
> Ways to do bad stuff with just a pom.xml:
> - simply adding a dependency to a vulnerable library, even an intentionally 
> staged malicious one.
> - Adding an evec-maven-plugin to execute anything on the host machine
> - Generate code
> - Like I introduced into the FlexJS maven build: Patch/Modify source files
> Guess the is what I could think of in 5 minutes...
> Ways to do bad stuff by just changing one-line versions:
> And changing the version of a dependency to a known vulnerable version would 
> be such a one-liner.
> I'm currently introducing vulnerability checks into all of my builds, so I'm 
> bumping dependencies to unvulnerable versions ... 
> doing this the other way around would introduce vulnerabilities.
> Connectivity problems:
> Regarding network problems ... on my way to Montreal I staged the first RC 
> for Apache PLC4X in a plane ... 
> it took about 3 hours to upload cause of network problems and latencies. 
> Maven usually works around connectivity problems quite nicely and reliably.
> So all in all I would suggest you sort out the problems in the build with 
> someone with experience. 
> I already told Carlos how he could deploy to a local directory during the 
> release itself and then use another
> plugin to stage that release independently. 
> If it aborts, you just re-start the deployment and close the repo as soon as 
> all passes.
> Chris
> Am 07.01.19, 19:39 schrieb "Alex Harui" <aha...@adobe.com.INVALID>:
>    Hi Greg,
>    Thanks for the history.  I agree with the general problem, however, for 
> Royale, I think the problem is constrained, but I could be wrong.  I don't 
> think there are exploits from things like missing semicolons and other code 
> exploits that can be executed against pom.xml files, so the Royale reviewers 
> are first looking to see if bot changed any other files.  Maybe Maven experts 
> can tell us what kinds of exploit could be hacked into a pom.xml.
>    Could you answer another question?  What is the current state of SVN/Git 
> integration?  Could we spin up an SVN clone of our Git repos, restrict the 
> bot via SVN, then sync back from SVN to Git (all from Jenkins)?
>    Thanks,
>    -Alex
>    On 1/7/19, 10:30 AM, "Greg Stein" <gst...@gmail.com> wrote:
>        On Mon, Jan 7, 2019 at 12:23 PM Alex Harui <aha...@adobe.com.invalid> 
> wrote:
>> ...
>> I still don't get why allowing a bot to commit to a Git repo isn't
>> auditable.  The changes should all be text and sent to commits@ and the
>> RMs job is to verify that those commits are ok before putting the artifacts
>> up for vote.  I'd even try to  make an email rule that checks for commits
>> from buildbot and flags changes to files that are outside of what we
>> expected.
>        The historic position of the Foundation is "no ability to commit 
> without a
>        matched ICLA". That is different from "we'll audit any commits made by
>        $bot". The trust meter is rather different between those positions,
>        specifically with the "what if nobody reviews? what if a commit is 
> missed?
>        what if that added semicolon is missed, yet opens a vuln?" ... With the
>        "matched ICLA" position, the Foundation has the assurance of *that*
>        committer, that everything is Good. ... Yet a bot cannot make any such
>        assurances, despite any "best effort" of the PMC to review the bot's 
> work.
>        It is likely a solvable problem! My comments here are to outline
>        history/policy, rather than to say "NO". These are just the parameters 
> of
>        the problem space.
>        Cheers,
>        -g
>        InfraAdmin

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