> On Jul 25, 2018, at 10:34 AM, Andrew Purtell <apurt...@apache.org> wrote:

> public clouds instead. I'm not sure if the ASF is set up to manage on
> demand billing for test resources but this could be advantageous. It would
> track actual usage not fixed costs. To avoid budget overrun there would be
> caps and limits. Eventually demand would hit this new ceiling but the

On-demand resources are certainly being considered (and we had these in the 
past,) but I will point out that ephemeral (“on-demand”) cloud builds are in 
direct opposition to some of the points brought up by Allen in the other 
jenkins storage thread, in that they tend to rely on persistent object storage 
in their workspaces to improve the efficiency of their builds. Perhaps this 
would be less of an issue with an on-demand instance which would theoretically 
have no resource contention?

ASF Infra

> --
> Best regards,
> Andrew

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