which Project?

Would you be publishing SNAPSHOTs or release artifacts?

Who's the intended audience of the stuff that gets pushed?

On 2018/05/23 12:14:35, Naveen Swamy <mnnav...@gmail.com> wrote: 
> Hello all,
> I am looking to automate our package publish process to Nexus and Maven.
> Our Project builds native code(C++) and Scala using Maven on different
> platforms(osx/linux-cpu/linux-gpu), currently its been very painful to
> perform this manually. We also want to move to continuous deployment and
> automating would certainly help.
> I am sure there are other projects that might have already done this and
> wanted to borrow and start from existing work. if your project has
> automated publishing Could you please point me to it?
> Thanks, Naveen

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