Perhaps I wasn't clear.  I am not concerned about Jenkins projects being 
removed, just the artifacts of those projects.  I am trying to make two points:

1)  Old artifacts might have value as a known good build for a job that may not 
get run for years.  So please don't run a clean up that deletes all artifacts 
older than N days.
2)  Somebody else pointed this out as well, but there appear to be folders 
listed for which there is no current Jenkins job.


On 4/26/18, 11:07 AM, "Greg Stein" <> wrote:

    Note that jobs will remain.
    This is only about deleting build artifacts.
    On Thu, Apr 26, 2018 at 12:40 PM, Alex Harui <>
    > HI Chris,
    > Thanks for the list.
    > I’m going through the Flex-related jobs and have some feedback:
    > flex-blazeds (maven)  We’ve kept this build around even though it hasn’t
    > run in a while in case we need to do another release of blazeds.  I would
    > like to keep at least one known good build in case we have trouble
    > resurrecting it later if we need it, even though it may sit idle for 
    > flex-flexunit_1
    > flex-sdk_1
    > flex-sdk_pixelbender_1
    > flex-sdk_release_1
    > flex-tlf_1
    > flex_sdk_version  I cannot find a project with these names in Jenkins.  So
    > feel free to toss it.
    > flex-flexunit (maven)  This project was never completed to build
    > successfully, but it would be nice to keep it around in case we need it.
    > FlexJS Compiler (maven)
    > FlexJS Framework (maven)
    > FlexJS Pipeline
    > FlexJS Typedefs (maven)  Looks like we never set the build limit, so I
    > just did that.  The project is disabled, we are keeping it around as
    > archival for Royale, so not sure it will clean itself up.
    > flex-productdashboard I deleted this project.
    > flex-tool-api (maven)
    > flex-sdk-converter (maven)  I’m not seeing old artifacts in these
    > projects, but they may also sit idle for years until some bug needs 
    > Flex-Site (Maven) This project never took off, but again it would be nice
    > to keep it around in case it gets revived
    > In sum, a project like Flex may have several kinds of “products” with
    > varying activity levels and thus may have jobs that are idle for years and
    > it can be helpful to keep at least the last build around as a reference in
    > case the next time we run the build there is a failure.  Please notify us
    > if we miss limiting the number of old builds.  I think I fixed the ones
    > that didn’t have limits.  But there does seem to be folders left around 
    > builds I think we deleted.
    > Thanks,
    > -Alex
    > From: Chris Lambertus <>
    > Reply-To: <>
    > Date: Wednesday, April 25, 2018 at 12:04 AM
    > To: <>
    > Subject: Re: purging of old job artifacts
    > On Apr 24, 2018, at 8:04 PM, Allen Wittenauer <<
    >>> wrote:
    > On Apr 24, 2018, at 5:01 PM, Greg Stein <<mailto:gstei
    >>> wrote:
    > Let's go back to the start: stuff older than six months will be deleted.
    > What could possibly need to be retained?
    >                 - Not every job runs every day.  Some are extremely
    > situational.
    > The artifacts do not need to be kept in perpetuity. When every project
    > does this, there are significant costs in both disk space and performance.
    > Our policy has been 30 days or 10 jobs retention.
    >                 - Some users might have specifically marked certain data
    > to be retained for very specific reasons.
    >                 I know in my case I marked some logs to not be deleted
    > because I was using them to debug the systemic Jenkins build node crashes.
    > I want to keep the data to see if the usage numbers, etc, go down over 
    > Part of the systemic problems are due to copious amounts of historical
    > data which are loaded into jenkins on startup, inflating the memory usage
    > and startup times. Again, when every job does this, it adds up, and many 
    > the problems we’re facing appear to be rooted in the very large number of
    > artifacts we have.
    >                 So yes, there may be some value to some of that data that
    > will not be obvious to an outside observer.
    > Assume all jobs will be touched.
    >                 … which is why giving a directory listing of just the base
    > directory would be useful to see who needs to look. If INFRA is unwilling
    > to provide that data, then keep any directories that reference:
    > Please dispense with the passive aggressive “unwilling to provide”
    > nonsense. This is inflammatory and anti-Infra for no valid reason. This
    > process is meant to be a pragmatic approach to cleaning up and improving a
    > service used by a large number of projects. The fact that I didn’t have
    > time to post the job list in the 4 hours since my last reply does not need
    > to be construed as reticence on Infra’s part to provide it.
    > The top-level list of jobs is available here:
    > I am happy to provide further information, however, due to the disk IO
    > issues on jenkins-master and the size of the jobs/ dir, multiple scans and
    > data analytics are difficult to provide due to the timescale.
    > As I previously mentioned, the list of actual artifacts currently slated
    > for deletion is 590MB and took several hours to generate. I also misspoke
    > earlier, that list is for artifacts over one year old. The space which
    > would be freed up is over 480GB. The list of artifacts over 180 days old 
    > going to be much longer, but I can look into making it available 
    > I question the utility though, as the 1 year data is over 3 million lines.
    >                 - precommit
    >                 - hadoop
    >                 - yarn
    >                 - hdfs
    >                 - mapreduce
    >                 - hbase
    >                 - yetus
    > We will not be cherry-picking jobs to exclude from the purge unless there
    > is a compelling operational reason to do so. Jenkins is a shared resource,
    > and all projects are affected equally.
    > Let me do some further research and compare the size and file counts for
    > artifacts vs. build metadata (logs, etc.)
    > The main things we want to purge are:
    > - all artifacts and metadata where the job/project longer exists
    > - binary artifacts with no value older than 180 days
    > and, to a lesser extent, jobs which fall outside our general 30 day/10
    > jobs retention policy.
    > As an example of ancient binary artifacts, there are 22MB of javadocs from
    > 2013 in /x1/jenkins/jenkins-home/jobs/ManifoldCF-mvn
    > Using the yetus jobs as a reference, yetus-java builds 480 and 481 are
    > nearly a year old, but only contain a few kilobytes of data. While 
    > them saves no space, they also provide no value, but are still
    > loaded/parsed by jenkins. Since they don’t contain valid jenkins objects,
    > they don’t even show up in the build history, but are still part of the
    > constant scanning of the jobs/ directory that jenkins does, and contribute
    > to high load and disk IO. Those two are the only +180 day artifacts for
    > yetus with the exception of a zero-byte legacyIds file for -qbt.
    > root@jenkins-master:/x1/jenkins/jenkins-home/jobs# find yetus-* -mtime
    > +180 -ls
    >  69210803      4 drwxr-xr-x   2 jenkins  jenkins      4096 Jul 12  2017
    > yetus-java/builds/481
    >  69210815      4 -rw-r--r--   1 jenkins  jenkins       457 Jul  8  2017
    > yetus-java/builds/481/polling.log
    >  65813999      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 jenkins  jenkins         2 May 23  2016
    > yetus-java/builds/lastUnstableBuild -> -1
    >  65814012      0 -rw-r--r--   1 jenkins  jenkins         0 May 23  2016
    > yetus-java/builds/legacyIds
    >  69210796      4 drwxr-xr-x   2 jenkins  jenkins      4096 Jul 12  2017
    > yetus-java/builds/480
    >  69210810      4 -rw-r--r--   1 jenkins  jenkins       456 Jul  7  2017
    > yetus-java/builds/480/polling.log
    >  23725477      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 jenkins  jenkins         2 Jun 15  2017
    > yetus-qbt/builds/lastStableBuild -> -1
    >  23741645      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 jenkins  jenkins         2 Apr 14  2016
    > yetus-qbt/builds/lastUnstableBuild -> -1
    >  23725478      0 lrwxrwxrwx   1 jenkins  jenkins         2 Jun 15  2017
    > yetus-qbt/builds/lastSuccessfulBuild -> -1
    >  23741647      0 -rw-r--r--   1 jenkins  jenkins         0 Apr 14  2016
    > yetus-qbt/builds/legacyIds
    > For mapreduce, there is an empty<
 from 2010, and a bunch of jobs
    > from June 2017 for PreCommit-MAPREDUCE-Build (6999-7006.) Again, while 
    > take up very little space, they are still loaded into jenkins and scanned
    > by the threads which watch the jobs/ dir for changes. Multiply this times
    > 2381 top level job configs, and you can see why we’re hoping this type of
    > purge will help improve jenkins performance and the frequent crashing.
    > Since we are looking to move to expensive NVMe disks (nearly 4TB worth) we
    > also need to perform due diligence to insure that we are not migrating and
    > maintaining ancient data.
    > -Chris

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