Great to hear gav.

I know that analysis and sonar have served a number of projects that I work
on well and is an invaluable resource.


On 16 Dec 2016 23:55, "Gavin McDonald" <> wrote:

> Hi All,
> This notice is to inform you that our seperate Sonar instance at
> will be closed down and
> turned off on the 14th January 2017. So in a month from now.
> BUT! - There is Good News too!
> We have a replacement!.
> Instead of the current Sonar that requires a seperate Jenkins installation
> that practically nobody has access to , and needs to
> be maintained as an extra service by Infra, we have created a new Sonar
> instance that ties into LDAP and ties into the main
> Jenkins instance.!
> What does that mean for you? Well, you get to configure and maintain your
> own Sonar jobs using the existing Jenkins jobs
> you already have (or write new ones). You also get automatic permissions
> to manage your Sonar analysis results.
>   It also means self-serve, no more having to create INFRA Jira tickets to
> have jobs added or altered or fixed (unless you
> are really stuck of course!)
> Where is this new replacement? I want to get on it now! - Well, its at
> - its early days yet and
> not many projects to look at, but feel free to get started and get adding
> your own. I’ll get some docs done soon so keep an
> ear out on the mailing list for those. But it should be
> as easy as adding a sonar runner step to your job
> and/or using a sonar:sonar mvn target etc.
> For those projects currently using - YOU need to
> migrate over to the new self-serve system! You have 4 weeks
> to make the move over before we turn off the old system for good.
> Plugins: If you find the new service lacks a feature or plugin, file an
> INFRA ticket and we will add it ASAP.
> What will happen to the DNS - thanks for asking! We
> will have it redirect to the new instance over at
> .
> Questions? Im sure you have some, please send all your queries to the main
> mailing list or file an INFRA
> ticket if you get really stuck and builds@a.o is of no help. Again, if
> you need to reply to this mail, reply-to
> only please - I am not on your PMCs private list.
> Thanks and good luck, enjoy the new service.
> Gav… (ASF Infra)

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