Isn't one of the post-build options to publish last successful artifacts?
That's how we things like this.


On 8/1/16, 1:20 AM, "Francesco Chicchiriccò" <> wrote:

>Hi there,
>I have set up a Jenkins job for building Syncope SHAPSHOT docs at
>It works, but it seems that the workspace files (hence documentation
>artifacts, in this case) are not available as anonymous:
>Any reason for this? Would it be possible to remove the protection for
>such URLs? Thanks!
>Francesco Chicchiriccò
>Tirasa - Open Source Excellence
>Involved at The Apache Software Foundation:
>member, Syncope PMC chair, Cocoon PMC, Olingo PMC,
>CXF Committer, OpenJPA Committer, PonyMail PPMC

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