> On 20 Aug 2015, at 3:28 am, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
> So, just spot checking some of the dynamic build slaves - historically
> those have spun up a few hours at a time, to give us additional
> capacity when our queue spiked - but it looks like the slaves are
> staying online pretty much all of the time. Right now we are
> configured to have 12 slaves. Assuming they are staying online all the
> time, that's roughly $2600 per month that we are spending on build
> slave capacity - I looked at our last bill ending July 24th, and we
> spent about $1200 on build slave capacity - so this is about 2x what
> we were spending - I am curious why the sudden uptick in demand -
> what's changed?

We have seen more projects starting to use jenkins and also existing projects 
are increasing their tests.

The demand for the dynamic slaves seems to be the availability of the static 
are getting less and less so dynamic slaves are being spun up much more often.

So no projects that I can see are targeting the dynamic slaves specifically.


> --David
> On Wed, Aug 19, 2015 at 9:18 PM, David Nalley <da...@gnsa.us> wrote:
>> Andrew:
>> I know Jenkins tracks how big the queue is, is that something that we
>> can graph over time? It'd be interesting to know how that's changed
>> and will change, otherwise we'll constantly be fighting fires here.
>> I'd like to have the following items graphed:
>> # of dynamic slaves in operation
>> # of executors currently in use
>> # of jobs in the queue
>> # of jobs in the queue actually waiting on an executor.
>> It'd be nice to know the average time waiting on an executor as well.
>> I don't suppose Jenkins has any functionality that would allow us to
>> run a quota per-project is there?
>> Since you're one of the resident Jenkins experts how many additional
>> build nodes/executors will satiate our current demand for capacity?
>> --David
>> On Tue, Aug 18, 2015 at 11:16 AM, Andrew Bayer <andrew.ba...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> Hey all -
>>> So as you may have noticed, we've seen an increase in build utilization on
>>> builds.a.o in the last few months - which is great! The problem is that
>>> we're seeing more demand than we have resources at this point, and that's
>>> only going to increase. We're working on getting more slaves lined up, but
>>> don't yet have a timeframe for that - we'll let you all know when we have
>>> more news.
>>> A.


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